
  • 网络Vitreous opacities
  1. 方法应用复方丹参注射液10~20ml加入5%~10%葡萄糖或生理盐水500ml,静脉滴注,每日1次,连续7~14天或隔日1次连续30天,用于治疗外伤性玻璃体浑浊22例22眼。

    Methods 5-10 % glucose solution or 0.9 % NS 500ml + Co-Danshen ( salvia miltiorrhiza ) injection solution 10-20 ml , intravenous drip , once a day , continuous 7-14 days .

  2. 结论外伤性白内障IOL植入术后继发性近视的发生可能与眼穿孔伤造成伤眼角膜散光、角膜疤痕、晶状体浑浊、玻璃体浑浊等多种形觉剥夺因素有关。

    Conclusion The occurrence of the secondary myopia after IOL implantation in traumatic cataract is probably related to the several factors of pattern deprivation , such as the corneal astigmatism , corneal scars , opacities of lens and vitreous caused by the perforating injury of eyeball .

  3. 眼部爆炸伤多为复合性损伤,本组病例中约98.8%伴有眼内异物或/和眶内异物,主要并发症有玻璃体浑浊、白内障、PVR、眼内出血等,眼球萎缩达23.3%。

    Most of the eye injuries were complex trauma , accompanied with intraocular and / or intraorbital foreign body ( 98.8 % cases ) . Major complications included vitreous opacity , cataract , PVR , intraocular hemorrhage , etc ; 23.3 % developed eyeball atrophy .

  4. 玻璃体浑浊怎么才能治好?注意些什么?

    Is vitreous body cloudy how does ability cure ? What to notice ?

  5. 目的观察中药丹参注射液治疗外伤性玻璃体浑浊的临床疗效。

    Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of traumatic vitreous opacity after Chinese medicine-Danshen therapy .

  6. 4例以偏瘫、偏侧感觉障碍起病,被误诊为脑卒中;1例以视神经症状起病,被误诊为玻璃体浑浊、视乳头水肿。

    By hemiplegia and were misdiagnosed as stroke , and 1 by optic nerve syndrome and were misdiagnosed as vitreum turbid , papilledema .

  7. 结果12眼被误诊为葡萄膜炎8眼、白内障1眼、玻璃体浑浊3眼。

    Results Totally 12 eyes were included , 8 eyes were misdiagnosed as uveitis , 1 eye as cataract and 3 eyes as vitreous turbidness .

  8. 为了治疗视网膜脱离,玻璃体浑浊及外伤引起的玻璃体流失,在临床上对许多玻璃体代用品,即人工玻璃体进行了研究。

    Artificial vitreous body has been studied in clinical treatment of abnormalities of eye vitreous body ( retinal detachment , clouding and leaking due to injury ) .

  9. 结果18例中漏诊1例,误诊为葡萄膜炎12例、玻璃体浑浊4例、白内障1例。

    Results Totally 18 cases were included , 1 case was missed diagnosed and 12 cases were misdiagnosed as uveitis , 4 cases as vitreous opacity and 1 case as cataract .

  10. 方法对超声乳化术后裸眼视力或矫正视力未达0.5,眼前段正常者30例进行荧光素眼底血管造影检查,并分析造影结果。结果30例中玻璃体浑浊2例,占6.7%;

    Methods Fundus fluorescence angiography ( FFA ) was done and analyzed in 30 patients ( 30 eyes ) whose corrected visual acuity was low than 0.5 and anterior segment was normal .

  11. 手术并发症术后光凝组2只眼术后玻璃体浑浊增加,术中冷凝组9只眼术后玻璃体浑浊增加,两组术后并发症发生率差异有显著意义(P<0.05)。

    The postoperative complications : 2 eyes of vitreous opacity increased in group 1 , and 9 eyes of vitreous opacity increased in group 2.There was significant difference between two groups ( P < 0.05 ) .

  12. 方法对8例眼挫伤后睫状体脱离合并虹膜根部断离、晶状体脱位、外伤性白内障、玻璃体浑浊采取睫状体复位术同时联合其他不同术式。

    Methods Ciliary body reposition surgery combined with other operations were performed on eight cases with ciliary body detachment combined with dialysis of iris root , dislocation of lens , traumatic cataract and vitreous opacity after contusion .

  13. 术后并发症中后囊浑浊4眼(19%),玻璃体浑浊3眼(143%),虹膜后粘连2眼(95%),人工晶状体偏位2眼(95%)。

    Postoperative complications included after cataract in 4 patients ( 14.3 % ), posterior synechia of the iris in 2 patient ( 9.5 % ) and luxation of IOL in 2 patients ( 9 5 % ) .

  14. 术后无角膜水肿,眼压高,脉络膜上腔出血,睫状体脉络膜脱离,玻璃体浑浊、增殖,视网膜脱离,黄斑囊样水肿等严重并发症的发生。

    There were no severe complication as corneal edema , high intraocular pressure , expulsive suprachoroidal hemorrhage , detachment of ciliary body and uvea , vitreous opacity and proliferation , retinal detachment , cystoid degeneration of macula and so on .

  15. 气体吸收后B组实验眼玻璃体液化浑浊逐渐消失。

    Cloudiness disappeared after gas absorption in B group . 2 .

  16. 结论后路异物摘出适用于异物较小,晶状体透明,玻璃体透明或轻度浑浊者。

    Conclusion Extraction of IOFB via external pathway is applied for small foreign bodies , transparency lens , mild vitreous hemorrhage only .