
huán zhuàng
  • annular;ringlike;cyclic annular
环状[huán zhuàng]
  1. 种子萌发时,部分个体早期初生根紧邻根尖分生区之上产生环状膨大生毛区。

    When the seeds sprout , some individuals have cyclic annular inflated hair zone above early initial roots which close neighbor root tip meristematic zone .

  2. TP环状填料的几何及水力学性能的研究

    Study on the geometric and hydraulic properties about TP ringlike packing

  3. 这个分子包含四个呈环状排列的碳原子,每两个碳原子之间形成一个三价键。

    The molecule contains four carbon atoms arranged in a ring with a triple bond between two of them .

  4. 在更高的温度范围内,这些化合物的绝大部分又被苯噻吩和更复杂的环状化合物置换。

    The predominance of these series is replaced in turn by benzothiophenes and increasingly complex ring-like compounds in the higher temperature ranges .

  5. HBV属于嗜肝DNA病毒,具有部分双链环状的DNA基因组。

    HBV belongs to Hepadnaviridae with a partially double stranded and circular DNA genome .

  6. 两个大环状日珥群Hα单色光与光谱的同时观测

    Simultaneous Observation of the H α Images and the Spectra of Two Large Loop Prominence Groups

  7. 在颈部动态MRI正中矢状扫描图像上对环状软骨进行运动断层影像解剖学观测。

    Observing the lamina of cricoid on median longitudinal MRI of the neck moving .

  8. 用溶胶凝胶技术制备了两种新的含环状和非环状多酰胺的聚硅氧烷复合膜改性的pH玻璃电极。

    Two new polysiloxane composite membranes containing cyclic and acyclic polyamides modified pH glass electrode were prepared by sol-gel technology .

  9. 带环状裂纹圆棒的J积分评价方法

    An Investigation of J Integral Evaluation Method for Cylindrical Bars with Circumferential Crack

  10. 慢性乙型肝炎共价闭合环状DNA定量测定在诊断和治疗中的价值

    Evaluation of the Value of Quantitative Assay of Hepatitis B Virus Covalently Closed Circular DNA in Diagnosis and Therapy of Chronic Hepatitis B

  11. 基因组为闭合环状双链超螺旋DNA,由大约8000对碱基组成;

    The genome is a double stranded , covalently closed , circular , supercoiled DNA molecule , approximately 8000 base pairs in size .

  12. DNA回旋酶是细菌特有的一种拓扑异构酶,它能够利用ATP水解的能量将共价闭合环状DNA转变为负超螺旋DNA,从而维持细菌体内正常的超螺旋水平。

    DNA gyrase is an essential bacterial topoisomerase that catalyzes the ATP dependent negative supercoiling of double stranded closed circular DNA .

  13. 目的总结探讨颅内环状强化转移瘤在超低场强MRI增强扫描的特点。

    Objective To summarize and discuss the characters of intracranial ring-enhanced metastatic tumors enhancedly scanned by MRI with ultra-low field .

  14. PET中环状三聚体产生机理及对生产过程的影响

    The Mechanism of Formation of Ring-trimer in PET and the Influence of It on the Technological Process of Dacron

  15. 根据CT机的结构特点,结合实际维修经验分析了一些环状伪影产生的原因,并提出了相应的解决方法。

    According to structural characteristics of CT systems and our experiences , some relevant solutions to false shadow of ring malfunctions in daily maintenance are suggested .

  16. 线性化的DNA可能比环状的DNA更容易整合到小鼠的基因组上。

    It may be shown that linear DNA is more easily to integrate into host genome than linear DNA when ICSI was used to produce transgenic animals .

  17. 结论:病灶发生于鞍上区,伴有钙化、囊变、呈环状强化是颅咽管瘤的特征性CT表现;

    Conclusion : The location of the suprasellar area , calcification , cystic change and ringlike enhancement of the lesion were the specific CT findings of craniopharyngioma .

  18. 结果:肾上腺结核依病期而有不同的CT表现:双侧肾上腺增大,并呈环状强化;双侧肾上腺部分或完全钙化。

    Results : CT scans revealed two different morphological manifestations depending on disease phase : Enlarged adrenals with ring enhancement , or partial or total calcified adrenals .

  19. 环状烯烃在USY和NaY上吸附的量热和IR研究

    Calorimetry and IR study on adsorption of cyclo-alkenes on USY and nay zeolites

  20. 北京地区20例健康人血清环状病毒IgM检测均为阴性。

    20 control serum were negative .

  21. 环状AMP和GMP环状溶液构象核磁共振研究

    NMR studies on the conformation of cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP in solution

  22. 所有患者均在环状标测电极导管指导下行3根或4根肺静脉(PV)消融。

    Or 4 PVs were isolated in each patient guided by circular mapping catheter ( Lasso catheter ) .

  23. 治疗组与对照1组术后并发症比较差异有显著意义(P0.01)。[结论]多区域剥扎断桥缝合术治疗环状嵌顿痔疗效满意,术后并发症少。

    [ Conclusions ] Better curative effects on annular incarcerated hemorrhoid are achieved by multi-regional stripping-ligation suture with less postoperative complications .

  24. 运用C编程语言,VISUALSTUDIO为开发平台,开发了一个枝状管网和环状管网通用的图形化供热管网水力仿真计算软件。

    Using the C # language , Visual Studio development flatform , developed a graphic heat supply network hydraulic power emulation calculation software for both branch network and loop network .

  25. 高频电刀宫颈环状切除术治疗149例CINⅠ~Ⅱ临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 149 CIN ⅰ - ⅱ cases treatment by loop electrosurgical excision procedure

  26. PPH术治疗严重环状混合痔的临床研究

    The Study of Procedure for Prolapsed and Hemorrhoids for Severe Orbicular Mixed Hemorrhoids

  27. 该配体与Mn~(3+)配位制得手性低聚环状SalenMn(Ⅲ)配合物。

    From this ligand , the chiral oligomeric cyclic Salen Mn ( III ) complex was prepared .

  28. 以6-氨基苯并咪唑和苯基巯基三唑为吸附基团,以环状酰肼为显影促进基团,合成了两个新型功能性显影促进剂,其结构经IR,MS和元素分析确证。

    Two novel development accelerants with function were synthesized from 6-amido-benzimidazole , phenyl-hydrosulfuryl-triazole and ringy hydrazide . The structures were confirmed by IR , MS and elemental analysis .

  29. 环状芽胞杆菌(Bacilluscirculans)的转化和中性蛋白酶基因的表达

    Transformation of Bacillus circulans and expression of neutral protease gene

  30. 快速血浆反应素环状卡片试验和TP血凝试验佐证早期梅毒的病理诊断。

    The diagnosis of early syphilis was confirmed by rapid plasma regain ( RPR ) and TP hemagglutination ( TPHA ) tests .