
  • 网络environmental catalysis
  1. 环境催化&大气污染控制和预防的化学

    Environmental Catalysis - The chemistry of atmo-sphere pollution control and prevention

  2. 新型介孔材料的制备及其在环境催化中的应用

    Research on Preparation of Novel Mesoporous Materials and Application in Environmental Catalysis

  3. W/O微乳液法制备环境催化材料纳米粒子的研究

    Study of Preparation of Nanoparticles for Catalytic Ecomaterials Using W / O Microemulsion

  4. 采用苯热法合成环境催化材料纳米氮化铁。

    Environmental catalytic material of iron nitride nanoparticle was synthesized by Benzene-thermal method .

  5. 环境催化指导消除气体污染物质。

    Environmental catalysis directed toward destruction of gaseous pollutants .

  6. 红外光谱技术是环境催化反应及机理研究中最有效的手段之一,尤其是在原位条件下对反应体系及催化剂表面活性基团的研究优势明显。

    It has an obvious advantage in the research on the reaction system and the surface active groups of catalyst , especially under the in-situ condition .

  7. 该实验证实了表面的多孔性结构对生物大分子的稳定性及活性同样具有显著的影响,该研究对于固定化酶在环境催化领域中的应用具有重要的意义。

    Experimental result also indicated that not only the chemical and physical structure on the surface but also the porous structure could have profound effect on the stability and activity of the adsorbed enzyme . The result was obviously significant to the application of immobilized enzyme in environmental catalysis .

  8. 多金属含氧簇合物(POM)同时具有酸性、氧化-还原性、假液相行为等催化特性,在原子经济反应和环境友好催化方面有着诱人的实用前景。

    Polyoxometalates ( POM ) are useful materials as acidic and oxidation catalysts for various reactions and have been practically applied in industry .

  9. 因其具有良好的光、热稳定性和无毒等优点,纳米TiO2是能源光催化和环境光催化领域最常用的光催化材料之一。

    Due to its well optical and thermal stability and innoxious property , titania ( TiO2 ) nano-materials is the most common photocatalyst used in the field of photocatalytic hydrogen production and environmental photocatalysis .

  10. 均相多相化体系中环境友好催化工艺进展

    Progress in Using Environmental Friendly Catalysts for Homogeneous Heterogenization Process

  11. 水滑石类材料必将在环境友好催化工业体系中扮演越来越重要的角色。

    Hydrotalcite-like materials would play more and more important role in environmentally-benign catalytic systems .

  12. 环境友好催化技术发展趋势

    Future Trend for Environmentally Friendly catalytic Technology

  13. 环境友好催化合成邻苯二甲酸二异戊酯系列烷基甲基萘磺酸盐表面活性剂的合成、性能及环境友好催化甲基萘的长链烷基化研究

    Studies on Synthesis and Properties of Various Alkyl Methylnaphthalene Sulfonate Surfactants and Environmentally Benign Catalysts Promoted Long-chain Alkylations of Methylnaphthalene

  14. 因此采用半导体化合物进行光催化分解水产氢(能源光催化)以及光催化降解污染物(环境光催化)受到了人们的普遍关注。

    Therefore , the semiconductor photocatalytic hydrogen production ( energy photocatalysis ) and photocatalytic pollutant degradation ( environmental photocatalysis ) are in a widespread concern .

  15. 对二氧化钛环境光催化的最新研究进展进行了综述.其中包括:给水的净化、有毒废水的治理、大气净化和光催化杀菌消毒等方面。

    The current progresses in the area of environmental photocatalysis , including water purification , hazardous wastewater remediation , air purification and photocatalytic disinfection , are reviewed .

  16. 这种格式流行的原因有三:特殊的语用价值的显现,大众语用心理的满足,社会环境的催化;

    The reasons of its popularity go as the following three items : the embodiment of the special grammatical value , the psychological satisfaction of the popular demand in language , and the catalyzing of the social environment .

  17. 使用钛硅沸石分子筛(TS-1))做催化剂,过氧化氢(H2O2)为氧化剂的丙烯环氧化法是一个环境友好的催化过程。

    The epoxidation of propylene with hydrogen peroxide using Titanium silicalite-1 ( TS-1 ) catalyst is an environmentally friendly alternative route .

  18. 我们已对微波环境下无催化水解PET的反应机理和动力学等进行了大量研究,以期待为催化解聚反应的实际应用提供理论依据。

    The reaction mechanism and kinetics of hydrolytic depolymerization of PET without catalyzer under the microwave irradiation had been studied . It is expected that the theoretical foundation could been afforded to the practical application of the catalysis hydrolytic depolymerization .

  19. 以类水滑石为前驱体的复合氧化物作为环境友好的催化材料,在烟道气催化脱SO2、脱NOX方面具有抗水蒸气中毒能力强等特性。

    As a new environmentally friendly catalyst for removal of SO 2 and NO X in flue gas , the mixed oxides from hydrotalcite like compounds have excellent performance in resisting reactant poisoning caused by vapor .

  20. 微环境中脂肪酶催化椰子油水解作用研究

    Study on the hydrolysis of coconut oil by lipase in microenvironment

  21. 环境多相催化研究过程中的表面科学研究方法金的催化作用

    Role of surface science in environmental heterogeneous catalysis Gold Catalysis

  22. 环境友好催化剂催化合成硬脂酸正丁酯的一些方法

    Synthesis of n-Butyl Stearate Catalyzed by Environmentally Friendly Catalyst

  23. 研究了催化剂用量、催化时间和催化环境对光催化性能的影响。

    Catalyst amount , time and catalyst catalytic photocatalytic properties of the environment .

  24. 而酸性环境对过氧化氢催化分解有明显的抑制作用。

    However , acidic environment significantly retarded the catalyzed decomposition of hydrogen peroxide .

  25. 微环境对脂肪酶催化拆分外消旋2-辛醇的影响

    Effect of the Microenvironment of Lipase on Resolution of Racemic 2-Octanol Catalyzed by Lipase

  26. 环境友好催化剂催化葡萄糖水解的研究

    Hydrolysis of glucose over environmentally - benign catalysts

  27. 因此,发展一种更为高效和环境友好的催化体系已显得十分重要。

    Therefore , it is very important to develop an effective and environmentally benign catalytic system .

  28. 节能降耗、环境友好的催化氧化研究新进展

    Advance of Energy Saving and Environmental Friendly Catalytic Oxidation STUDY ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY ACRYLATE PRESSURE SENSITIVE ADHESIVE

  29. 而以硅藻土为载体负载磷酸制备的固体磷酸催化剂是实现环境友好化催化工艺的一条重要途径。

    The effect of sulfating agents and preparation methods on the structure and properties of zirconium-based solid acid catalysts ;

  30. 而且,整个反应体系不加入任何溶剂、共催化剂或引发剂,环己烷既是反应物也是反应溶剂,是一种经济的、对环境友好的催化体系。

    Moreover , this catalytic system is economical and environmentally friendly , without solvents , co-catalyst or free-radical initiator .