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  1. 王瑶,24,北京的一个研究生,和一群女性的朋友看了决赛。

    Wang Yao , 24 , a graduate student in Beijing , watched the finals with a group of female friends .

  2. 王瑶的清醒和抱负,追求和怅惘,矛盾和挣扎,带给我们深深的遗憾和难以言说的反思;

    Wang Yao 's soberness and ambitions , pursuits and despondency , contradictions and struggle plunged us into deep regret and reflections .

  3. 王瑶先生的《论希企隐逸之风》所论极为精到,但其研究视角却又定位于魏晋。

    The thesis , On the Air of Hoping for Redusion , written by Wang Yao is precise and penetrating , but the visual angle was limited in Wei-Jing period .

  4. 26岁的王瑶从来自122个国家的3981名摄影记者中脱颖而出,成为中国女新闻摄影记者跻身荷赛奖第一人。

    Showing off her talent amongst 3,981 press photographers from 122 countries , Wang Yao , 28 , became the first Chinese woman to win the award of World Press Photo .

  5. 在中国现代文学史的研究中,王瑶在鲁迅学学科的独特贡献是进行现代文学研究绕不过去的卓然存在。

    Among Modern Chinese Literature research of history , Wang Yao 's unique contribution to " Lu Xun study " of discipline is so distinguished that researchers can not get around it .

  6. 社会主义建设初期,我国出现了一个以王瑶《中国新文学史稿》为代表的现代文学史个人写作的小高潮。

    In the initial stage of socialist construction , it occurred a high tide of individual writing of Chinese modern literature history that their representative work was The Manuscript of Chinese new Literature History of Wang yao in China .