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  1. 请到垂直式SNS上面看一看吧。海内网是由王兴创建的,他还是校内网的创始人之一。

    Hainei was founded by Xing Wang , who was also the co-founder of Xiaonei .

  2. 当类似twitter的“饭否”网站创始人王兴(音译)建立起内地首家团购网站美团网后,中国团购网在2010年开始迅速发展。

    China ` s group purchasing websites experienced rapid development in2010 when Wang Xing , founder of twitter-like " fanfou . com ," established meituan . com , the mainland ` s first group purchasing website .

  3. 中国企业家王兴(音)通过聊天软件微信(WeChat)与身在美国加州的姐姐和澳大利亚的叔叔保持联系。这款聊天软件让人得以一瞥中国网络公司怎样参与全球竞争。

    Chinese entrepreneur Wang Xing stays in touch with a sister in California and an uncle in Australia through chat software that offers a glimpse of how China 's Internet companies can compete globally .

  4. 关于通过西方网站获取灵感一事,王兴并不否认。

    Wang doesn ` t deny taking inspiration from Western sites .

  5. 王兴认识到市场将决定网站的将来。

    Wang realizes the market will decide his site ` s future .

  6. 王兴事业成功之后,很多类似的网站便如雨后春笋般涌现出来。

    After Wang ` s success , many similar websites sprang up .

  7. 王兴曾试图协商解决问题,但最终都以失败告终。

    Wang tried to negotiate a solution , but to no avail .

  8. 为了保证网站的专业水准和高质量,王兴下了很大的功夫。

    Wang works hard to make sure his sites remain relevant and high-quality .

  9. 苹果树上结的一颗金芒果&王兴先生《智慧逻辑》序

    A Golden Mango Growing in the Apple Tree & A Preface to Wisdom Logic of Wang Xing

  10. 张涛将与美团首席执行官王兴出任联席主席兼联席首席执行官。

    Mr. Tao will be co-chairman and co-chief executive with Meituan 's chief executive , Wang Xing .

  11. 王兴的父亲2004年因癌症去世,而李娟和自己母亲的关系也并不好。

    Wang 's father died from cancer in 2004 , and Li 's relationship with her mother was rocky .

  12. 李娟实在是太过小心谨慎,以至于其他当地人、甚至包括隔壁王兴的祖父母都很长时间没有见到过王兴。

    Li was so cautious that other locals and even Wang 's grandparents next door hadn 't seen the boy in a long time .

  13. 王兴的祖母刘考兰就住在隔壁,几天后她发现了王兴母亲的尸体。

    Wang 's mother 's body was found several days later by the boy 's grandmother , Liu Kaolan , who lives next door .

  14. 王兴急于到村外找工作,但是李娟阻止了他的野心,称外面的世界对他来说太过于危险。

    Wang was eager to look for work outside the village , but Li discouraged his ambitions , claiming that the world outside was too dangerous for him .

  15. 在杀死母亲之后,王兴拿走了母亲的手机和1200元现金逃到了青岛,出逃前还将自家房门上了锁。

    After killing Li , Wang took his mother 's phone along with 1200 RMB and fled to Qingdao , securing the lock on the gate outside his house as he left .

  16. 王兴表示,“合作后我们在产品创新、体验改进和新业务拓展上将可以投入更多精力和资源。”两家公司都没有谈到新公司的估值。

    Mr. Wang said the cooperation would enable " us to focus on better serving our consumers and merchants , and allows us to concentrate on developing new businesses and driving product innovation . " Neither company would say how much the new joint operation would be worth .