
liè sǔn
  • saker
猎隼[liè sǔn]
  1. 电子微芯片皮下注射技术在猎隼繁殖及迁徙研究中的应用快报

    Apply ID Micro-chipping Injection Technique to Research on Reproduction and Migration of Saker

  2. 他们以非常高的价格购买这些鸟类,特别是猎隼,以及数以千计的鸟类。每年的走私对野生种群产生严重后果。

    Very high prices are paid for these birds , especially the Saker Falcon , and many thousands of birds are taken out each year with severe consequences for the wild population .

  3. 他们设置交通警察志愿者,称他们为猎隼突击队,并让他们开着架设有机关枪的小货车巡视大街。

    They set up volunteer traffic police called Falcon Commandos , who drove through the streets with machine guns mounted on top of their pick-up trucks .

  4. 调查中收集到猎隼食团342个,其中有鼠毛出现的食团是287个,占到83.9%。

    In the investigation , 342 food pellets were found , in which there were 287 food pellets mixed with mouse hair , which occupied 83.9 % .

  5. 为了配合驱鸟装置的研制和测试,在实验棚内对喜鹊、红隼和猎隼进行了食性分析实验及其对颜色敏感性的实验。

    In order to cooperate manufacturing and testing anti-bird devices , an analyse of food and sensitivity to the colour to Magpie ( Pica pica ), Common Kestrel ( Falco tinnunculus ) and Saker Falcon ( FaIco cherrug ) were experimented in the experiment canopy .