
liè dāo
  • hunting knife
猎刀[liè dāo]
  1. 传统的猎刀一般是木柄,皮柄或者骨柄。

    Traditionally , hunting knife handles were made of wood , leather or bone .

  2. 和短剑或是猎刀相符。

    Consistent with a combat or hunting knife .

  3. 不过那把鹿角猎刀得品质就很不错得说。硬度、锋利度和保持性都非常得不错

    But the antler hunting sword has a good quality.The rigidity , tartness and preservation are not bad .

  4. 你拿着一把8英寸的猎刀爬进她家的墙

    You climbed her wall carrying an 8-inch hunting knife .

  5. 这个人,尼古拉斯·博伊尔,被一把猎刀开膛破肚了

    This man , Nicholas Boyle , was gutted with a hunting knife .

  6. 他先是被一把猎刀给谋杀了的。

    He was murdered first with a hunting knife .

  7. 他用他的鲍伊猎刀砍倒了他父亲心爱的牧豆树。

    He used his bowie knife and chopped down his father 's favourite mesquite tree .

  8. 一种坚硬的单刃猎刀。原丝切刀造型简单。

    A stout single-edged hunting knife . The cutters for fibre strands are simple in design .

  9. 一种坚硬的单刃猎刀。

    A stout single-edged hunting knife .

  10. 一种坚硬的单刃猎刀。单刀液压立式切胶机

    Single-knife hydraulic rubber cutting machine

  11. 他使用猎刀作为他的武器,玩弄熊和其他的野生生物。

    He used a bowie knife as a teething ring and played with bears and other wild animals .

  12. 他拿出猎刀,剖开了母鹿的尸体想弄个明白。

    He took out his hunting knife and cut open her corpse to find out what was wrong .

  13. 对于一个认真的猎人来说,在他决定选择猎刀的时候,固定柄刀是最好的选择。

    For the serious hunter who wants a dedicated hunting knife , a fixed blade design is the best choice .

  14. 他只好尽力摆出极其威风的样子,握紧猎刀,狠命地盯着那头熊。

    He drew himself up to his most imposing stature , gripping the knife and staring hard at the bear .

  15. 宾克徒步上路了,他背着一个装得满满当当的背包,身上挎一把锋利的猎刀,手执一根自家削制的木棒。

    Bink set off on foot , wearing a stuffed knapsack and bearing a good hunting knife and a home-cut staff .

  16. 他纵身一跳,站了起来,同时伸手到腰带上去拔他那把套在鞘里的猎刀。

    He leaped to his feet , at the same time reaching to his belt for a hunting knife he carried in a sheath .

  17. 起先清冷的狩猎用的野猪矛和猎刀按往常一样先泛出红光,然后便在晨曦中清晰地闪亮;

    First , the lonely boar-spears and knives of the chase had been reddened as of old ; then , had gleamed trenchant in the morning sunshine ;

  18. 有人知道而且还在里面放了一把猎刀我查找了强行闯入的痕迹但没有发现

    Well , someone did , and they put a hunting knife in there . I checked for signs of a breakin , but there weren 't any .

  19. 印第安-乔的那把猎刀还在他身边,刀刃已裂成两半。坎派尔斯是个独生子,在印第安纳州母亲身边长大。

    Injun Joe 's bowie-knife lay close by , its blade broken in two . Being an only child , Kampiles grew up in Indiana under the care of his mother .

  20. 心脏被人埋在老收费桥附近看起来是用猎刀割下来的你曾经去过那座桥吗

    The heart was found buried near the old toll bridge.It had been cut out by what appears to be a hunting knife . Have you ever been to that bridge before ? Yes .

  21. 我的武器库里可没有,因为在特拉契纳的时候,连我那把猎刀都给人偷去了。他纵身一跳,站了起来,同时伸手到腰带上去拔他那把套在鞘里的猎刀。

    " Not out of my armory , for at Terracina I was plundered even of my hunting-knife . " He leaped to his feet , at the same time reaching to his belt for a hunting knife he carried in a sheath .

  22. 开放干血剥皮然后拿出我的大猎刀将其拦腰切下接着我走进小木屋

    And there . I 'd hang it up . Between a couple of trees . Cut it open . Drain it . Dress it . And then I 'd take my big hunting knife . And I 'd cut this loin right out of the side . And I 'd go into the cabin .