
shī shēn rén miàn xiànɡ
  • sphinx
  1. 我们出发去看金字塔和狮身人面像。

    We set off to see the Pyramids and Sphinx .

  2. 雄伟的金字塔和狮身人面像就在附近

    The Great Pyramids and the Sphinx are nearby .

  3. 并且,除了哈图萨狮身人面像之外,其它藏品都是在联合国教科文组织(unesco)1970年有关禁止非法出口文物的公约颁布后被取走的。

    And , with the exception of the hattusa Sphinx , all were removed after the 1970 United Nations Educational , scientific and cultural organisation convention that banned the illicit export of artefacts .

  4. Haji住在狮身人面像的故乡开罗,那儿是法老的领土。

    Haji lives in Cairo The home of the Sphinx , the land of the Pharaohs .

  5. 想象一下,那个狮身人面像有发出恶臭的括约肌!(好恐怖)

    Just think , that sphinx has a sphincter that stinks !

  6. 这座大雕像为狮身人面像的造型。

    The large statue is in the shape of a sphinx .

  7. 同时也有证据证明整个狮身人面像受到过流水的侵蚀。

    There is also evidence of water erosion over the Sphinx .

  8. 吉萨的古埃及狮身人面像好像没什么不同。

    The Great Sphinx of Giza appears to be no different .

  9. 大小相当于埃及狮身人面像的头部

    as big as the head of the Sphinx in Egypt .

  10. 猫坐在那里,如狮身人面像般的神秘。

    The cat just sat there , sphinx-like and mysterious .

  11. 有时景观还会被改进--比如斯芬克斯(狮身人面像)竟然隆鼻了。

    Sometimes improvements were made -- even the Sphinx got a nose job .

  12. 狮身人面像也被追溯至公元前10500年。

    The Sphinx was also dated back to10,500 B.C.

  13. 狮身人面像原来是一对。

    The sphinx is one of a pair .

  14. 狮身人面像丢失的括约肌!

    The lost sphincter of the sphinx .

  15. 还有,狮身人面像是在公元前2558年到2352年间由凡人工匠造成的。

    Oh , and it was made by mortal craftsmen some time between 2558 and 2532 BC .

  16. 狮身人面像位于埃及的加扎高原,首都开罗以西大约6里。

    The Great Sphinx is located in Egypt on the Giza plateau , about six miles west of Cairo .

  17. 关于狮身人面像的传说被刻在位于他两爪之间的石碑上。

    The beginning of one story about the Great Sphinx is written on a stele between the sphinx 's paws .

  18. 事实上,开罗最著名的这座狮身人面像比它旁边的金字塔要小得多。

    In fact , Cairo 's most notable cat-man hybrid is significantly smaller than the fabled tombs it loiters next to .

  19. 斯芬克斯(也称狮身人面像)是一些巨石雕像,它们有着倾斜的狮身和人的头像。

    Sphinxes are massive stone statues that depict the body of a reclining lion with the head and face of a human .

  20. 参观古老的埃及的风景,像金字塔,狮身人面像,国王谷和什么的神庙。

    Visit the sights of ancient Egypt , such as the Pyramids and Sphinx , Valley of the Kings and Temples of Ramses .

  21. 位于尼罗河西岸与开罗相对的一座埃及古城;三座雄伟的金字塔和狮身人面像所在地。

    An ancient Egyptian city on the west bank of the Nile opposite Cairo ; site of three Great Pyramids and the Sphinx .

  22. 德国坚持说这个狮身人面像是他们合法获取的,然而土耳其当局辩称当时把这尊文物运到德国只是做修复。

    Germany maintained it had obtained the sphinx legally , whereas Turkish authorities argued that it had merely been sent to Germany for repair .

  23. 吉萨金字塔旁边的这座狮身人面像是见证了古埃及早期文明的众神用石灰岩凿出来的。

    The companion-piece to the pyramids of Giza was hewn from the limestone of ancient Egypt by the gods who oversaw this early civilisation .

  24. 但是德国博物馆馆长抱怨说一旦狮身人面像归还土耳其,协议的其他部分很快就会被束之高阁。

    But German curators now complain that as soon as the sphinx went back to Turkey the rest of the agreement was quietly shelved .

  25. 这尊仿制“狮身人面像”是钢筋混凝土结构,身长约80米,身高约30米。

    The replica , about 80 meters ( 264 feet ) long and 30 meters tall , is made of steel bars and cement .

  26. 现代人很少有人支持这一理论,但如果事实果真如此,这将意味着狮身人面像要比我们之前想象的还要神秘。

    This theory has few modern adherents , but if true it would mean the Great Sphinx of Giza is even more mysterious than previously believed .

  27. 尽管狮身人面像作为世界上最古老的雕像之一而享誉世界,但是世人对它仍知之甚少。

    Despite its reputation as one of the most famous monuments of antiquity , there is still very little known about the Great Sphinx of Giza .

  28. 据中国官方媒体上周六报道,中国北部某地因仿制埃及的标注性建筑狮身人面像,遭到埃及文物部门申诉,该仿制雕像将被拆除。

    A replica of Egypt 's iconic Sphinx built in northern China will be dismantled after an Egyptian ministry complained about the structure , state media said Sunday .

  29. 自由女神像、比萨斜塔、埃菲尔铁塔、蒙克的《呐喊》,和埃及的狮身人面像,都是著名的艺术杰作。

    The statue of Liberty , Leaning Tower of Pisa , Eiffel Tower , Munch 's The Scream , and Sphinx of Egypt are all well-known works of art .

  30. 从数据来看——宽238英尺(73米),高66英尺(20米)——狮身人面像并不小,但也绝不像很多人想象的那么大。

    Its statistics - 238ft ( 73 m ) long , 66ft ( 20m ) high - mean it is big , but nothing like as large as many imagine .