
dú lì cái chǎn
  • independent property
  1. 独立财产制度嬗变的理论透视

    Theoretical Analysis on the Evolution of independent Property Institution

  2. 信用保险是完全不同于保证保险的独立财产保险类型,二者在主体、性质和制度价值方面都有着本质的差异,所以信用保险不能为保证保险所包含。

    The Credit insurance is independent property insurance which is totally different from guarantee insurance in the aspects of subject , nature and system value . Therefore , it can not be included within the guarantee insurance .

  3. 土地承包经营权是农户的独立财产权,公民的财产权被征收时得到独立补偿,这是法价值的体现。

    The contracted management of land property rights of farmers is independent , citizens property rights when independent on compensation , which is the embodiment of the value method .

  4. 论证了是否具有独立财产和经费只是确认是否有单位独立利益的下位的条件,能否独立承担民事责任并不影响独立承担刑事责任的能力,因而均不是认定是否具有单位犯罪主体资格的必备要件。

    It also demonstrates that having independent property and funds or not only confirms the inferior condition of having independent benefit of unit or not , whether independently bearing civil responsibility or not hardly affect the capacity of independently bearing criminal responsibility .

  5. 另一方面,环境侵权的侵害结果具有严重的危害性和累积性,有时公司的独立财产不足以补偿,有时很难区分具体的侵权行为人。

    On the other hand , suppose the environmental nuisance of a company cause serious and cumulative bad effects , sometimes the estate of the company is not enough for compensation and sometimes it is difficult to define the concrete infringing part .

  6. 以其立法例为基础,认为自然人的民事责任能力应采取识别主义,以识别能力为依据,以识别能力的表现形式&年龄为标准,并在此基础上将个人独立财产纳入判断标准。

    The basis for its enactment of legislation that the civil liability of natural persons should be taken to identify the doctrine , the recognition based on ability to identify the manifestation - of Age , and on this basis , the property will be included in personal independence criteria .

  7. 没有独立的财产就没有独立的人格。

    Where there is independent property , there is independent personality .

  8. 农民专业合作社有其独立的财产,享有法人财产权。

    It has the property right as a legal person over the its own property .

  9. 股权作为一项独立的财产权,已经成为社会财富重要的法律载体。

    As an independent property right , stock right have become to be an important legal carrier of wealth .

  10. 有独立的财产是成立法人的基本条件,并不是单位犯罪主体的特征。

    Independent property is the basic rules for the legal person . So , it is not the characteristic of unit crime subject .

  11. 现代企业制度下的企业要成为真正的会计主体,必须在法律上被赋予独立的财产权。

    Under modern accounting system , enterprises must be authorized lawful property right if they want to be a real enterprise 's accounting entity .

  12. 历经漫长的历史演进,债权逐渐失去人的色彩而实现独立的财产化,由此催生了债权让与制度。

    Through long-term historical development , creditor 's rights gradually lost the color of personification , which results in the birth of assignment system .

  13. 然而如果没有可辨识的、独立的财产,也就没有信托,所以信托财产处于信托关系的核心地位。

    Trust property is certainly in the core of trust , if there is no identified and independent property , there is no trust .

  14. 接着根据业主委员会合法的团体属性和相对独立的财产、长期存在的办公场所等方面肯定了业委会主体资格的可能性。

    According to the committee on legal community property and independence of the property , the long term of office space for the committee is the possibility .

  15. 论文在简要分析了企业集团的经济、社会价值之后指出,从两个方面研究阐述了企业集团的法律属性:其一,企业集团没有独立的财产,没有法人资格。

    The article , after briefly analyzing the social and economic values of group enterprises , points out two aspects in clarifying the nature of group enterprises .

  16. 在现代社会中,债权出资已经从获得物权的手段发展成为独立的财产形态。

    Funded debt is part of company capital system and credit investment in modern society has access to means to become independent of the real right property forms .

  17. 在人口过度拥挤的国家,很少人拥有能够在经济上保持独立的财产,很少人的购买力能够不断增长。

    In an overcrowded country , very few people own enough to make them financially independent ; very few people are in a position to accumulate purchasing power .

  18. 合同型合伙的财产性质应由合伙人约定,组织型合伙对其财产应享有独立的财产权;

    In regard to partnership based on contract , the nature of property is determined by partners while partner should enjoy independent property right as for partnership based on organization .

  19. 债权让与制度得以确立的前提是,债权失去人的色彩而实现独立的财产化。

    As we all know , the prerequisite for the system on assignment of rights to be established is that credit loses its personal nature while obtaining the independent status of property .

  20. 扣船制度的法律属性是海事请求保全。受大陆法系和最新国际扣船制度的双重影响,我国的扣船制度,发源于财产保全制度,又独立于财产保全制度。

    China 's legal system of ship arrest , belonging to preservation of maritime claims , is greatly influenced by the ship arrest rules of the international conventions and those of continental countries .

  21. 通过有偿出让取得的土地使用权本身为一种独立的财产权利,这种土地使用权可以转让、出租和抵押,可以进入市场成为合作开发房地产的对象。

    The right of land use per se obtained by onerous remise is an independent property right , and it can be transferred , leased and mortgaged and can be the object of real estate co-exploitation in the market .

  22. 而以法人财产权为基础构造的公司人格体制,因为法人组织体缺乏独立的财产所有权,在现实的运作过程中,还存在一些制度缺憾。

    But there still exist some system defects in the corporation personality system that takes " legal man 's property right " as the foundation because the legal man organization body is short of independent property ownership right in the course of present operation .

  23. 需推进民办高校产权主体明晰化,保障法人拥有独立的财产,并完善其产权激励机制,以吸引更多的民间资本注入民办高校。

    It is vital to promote the clarification of property rights of the private colleges , to protect the property of independent legal person , and to improve the incentives of the property rights of private colleges to attract more private capital into the private colleges .

  24. 如果发展地解释民事主体的构成要件,合伙企业就符合民事主体人格独立、财产独立和责任独立的三个要件,因而就是独立的民事主体。

    If we explain the structure of a civil subject with a developing perspective , the partnership enterprise is in accord with the three conditions of a civil subject , that is independent personality , independent property , and independent liability , and it is an independent civil subject .

  25. 应当赋予受理机构相应的权力,使其能够独立地受理财产申报,而不受其他机关影响。

    Receiving institutions should be given appropriate powers to enable it to independently admissible assets declaration , while not affecting other organs .

  26. 特许经营权的客体是非物质性的经营资格或能力,只可能以一种独立的无形财产形式而存在。

    Because the object of franchise is non-material " or the capacity of business ", It can only be a form of intangible assets of an independent existence .

  27. 虚拟财产是一种独立的新型财产,说它是财产是因为它也有价值,说它是独立的新型财产是因为它具有独特性,不能等同于无形财产和有形财产。

    Virtual property is an independent new type of property : it has value and it has distinctive features that are different form material property and formless property .

  28. 通过股东的出资行为,使得公司有自己独立的的财产权,才能够拥有权利能力和行为能力参与对外经济活动。

    Through its shareholders ' capital contribution behavior , the company obtains its own independent property right to be able to have the legal and disposing capacities to participate in economic activities .

  29. 虚拟财产是指以数字化为形式,以模拟现实环境中财产为自身形态,并以网络为虚拟环境具有可独占性和独立性的财产权益。

    Virtual property into digital form in order to simulate the real environment property for their own shape and exclusive and property rights and interests of the independence of the network virtual environment .

  30. 随着时代的发展,驰名商标已超越其附着的商品或服务,成为一种独立的无形财产,具有识别和财产的双重属性。

    With the development of society , well-known trademarks serve as not only the corresponding commodities and services but also a kind of intangible property , having the double properties of distinguishing marks and property .