
  • 网络principle of independence;Independence Principle;autonomy principle;principle of autonomy
  1. 信用证独立性原则的困境与出路

    Dilemma and Solutions to the Independence Principle of Letter of Credit

  2. 信用证独立性原则是分析和处理信用证法律问题的重要基础。

    The independence principle of credit letters is an important basis in the analysis and settlement of legal disputes concerning credit letters .

  3. 信用证是国际贸易中的重要支付结算工具,而独立性原则又是信用证制度得以正常运作的基石。

    Letter of Credit is important tool of payment and settlement .

  4. 引入和借鉴西方国家中央银行的相对独立性原则

    The Introduction of the Relative Independency of the Western Central Bank

  5. 第三章论述信用证最重要的原则&独立性原则。

    In Chapter Three the autonomy principle is under discussion .

  6. 同时,信用证的抽象独立性原则和欺诈例外原则也在本部分有所论述。

    Meanwhile , abstract independent principle and exceptional principle are also illustrated .

  7. 浅析信用证独立性原则的单向性

    On the One-way Nature of the Credit Independence Principles

  8. 独立性原则是信用证最根本原则,但它也是产生风险的最主要原因。

    However , it is also the original reason , of which risks appear .

  9. 独立性原则是不言自明的。

    The principle of independence is self-evident .

  10. 第二章,探讨了备用信用证的独特法律原理:独立性原则和严格相符原则。

    Chapter II explores the principles of standby letter of credit , independence and strict compliance .

  11. 仲裁条款独立性原则刍议

    On the Separability of Arbitration Clause

  12. 我国《信托法》第16条确立了信托财产的独立性原则。

    The 16th item of The Trust Law of PRC establishes the principle of independence of trust property .

  13. 向法院申请禁令是进口方面临欺诈时寻求法律救济的有效方法,但这破坏了独立性原则。

    It 's an effective relief for the importer to apply for the injunction in the face of such fraud .

  14. 信用证独立性原则的适用带来一系列实务和法律上的重大后果。

    The application of the principle of independence has brought a series of consequential influence on both law and practice .

  15. 本文采用模块化方法,根据模块独立性原则和物理划分原则将整个仿真系统中虚拟化的考察对象进行了细分,并逐一建模。

    All the objects are modulated by the principle of independence and physical integrality , and then modeled one by one .

  16. 复合词语素义提取的向心性原则是词法独立性原则的体现。

    The endocentric principle for the extraction of the morpheme meaning of compound words embodies the autonomy principle for word formation .

  17. 独立性原则在实践中体现为银行付款条件的单据化。

    The documentary nature of the payment conditions can fully displayed the independent nature of Bank Independent Guarantee in bank practice .

  18. 在担保的基本原则上,我国对外担保应当树立三个基本原则,即交易真实性原则、担保效率性原则和担保独立性原则。

    The three basic principles of the transaction authentic principle , the guarantee efficiency principle and the guarantee independent principle should be applied completely .

  19. 信川证,无论是即期付款还是延期付款,仍然保持其独立性原则。

    The letter of credit , whether it is available by sight payment or deferred payment , will still remain its principle of autonomy .

  20. 通过对仲裁条款独立性原则的法理分析,我国法律应坚持仲裁条款绝对独立的立场,摒弃相对独立的立法规定。

    It can be seen from the jurisprudential analysis of the principle that Chinese law should adhere to absolute independence and forsake relative one .

  21. 评论2002年英国法院对仲裁事项所作出的决定,包括:(1)执行仲裁条款的情况,对仲裁协议的形式要求和仲裁协议的独立性原则;

    This article is part of the Annual review of English judicial decisions on arbitration in 2002 , concerning : first , arbitration agreement ;

  22. 在监管主体部门的改革中,可以借鉴欧盟秉承独立性原则的要求,建立欧洲食品安全局,使各主体独立管理,独立负责的做法。

    In the reform of the regulatory body , the principle of independence requirements in EU can help to establish the European Food Safety Authority .

  23. 从定义中我们可以看出独立性原则的适用范围与内容。银行独立担保的当事人是银行与受益人,与银行担保相联系的是申请人与受益人间的基础合同和申请人与受益人间的委托合同。

    This principle is applied to two relations between contract of guarantee and mandate and primary contract , and that is scope of independent principle .

  24. 明确信托财产独立性原则,并贯彻在信托法中,这正是大陆法系国家抓住信托本质、使其与大陆法系民法理论相融合所采用的立法技术。

    Definitude the independence of the trust property , and carrying through inthe trust law , it is the lawmaking technique method of the Civil LawSystem country .

  25. 这种极端性艺术主要追求自足独立性原则,更多地仰赖非理性直觉的创造力,充分显示了意志在非理性世界所取得的胜利。

    The art of extreme experience , depending on the intuition , pursued the autonomy principle which displayed the triumph of the volition in the irrational world .

  26. 信用证的独立性原则是信用证的两大基本原则之一,它对于信用证制度的生存和发展起着至关重要的作用。

    The independence principle is one of the two basic principles of letter of credit , and it contributes greatly to the development of letter of credit system .

  27. 外部审计制度是市场经济发展和正常运作的制度之一,是监督体系不可或缺的环节,其独立性原则是不可置疑的。

    The system of CPA auditing is a necessary segment of superintend system of the market economy development and normal operation systems , its independent principle may not doubt .

  28. 独立性原则是造成信用证欺诈发生的原因之一,而欺诈例外原则是对信用证欺诈的一种救济,本文分析了欺诈例外原则与独立性原则,提出了欺诈例外原则的适用条件。

    Independence principle is one of reasons which bring the letters of credit to happen , which fraud exception principle is one way to relieve the letters of credit fraud .

  29. 信用证欺诈例外原则是对信用证独立性原则、严格相符原则的突破,是信用证制度的新发展。

    The principle of fraud exception is a breakthrough to the principles of independence and strict compliance , so it is a new development of the system of documentary credits .

  30. 因此,要尊重信用证的独立性原则,只有在欺诈而且信用证没有承兑或议付时才能采取保全措施。同时,也要注意保护善意第三人的利益。

    So judicial guarantee is needed to safeguard the negotiation and acceptance of the letter of credit with and view of showing respect to the independence of the letter of credit .