
shòu liè
  • hunting;shoot;venery
狩猎 [shòu liè]
  • [hunting] 捕杀或猎取野生动物

狩猎[shòu liè]
  1. 这些雕刻作品描绘了一幅狩猎的场面。

    The carvings represent a hunting scene .

  2. 诺曼征服之后,这片森林成为了皇家狩猎区。

    After the Norman Conquest the forest became a royal hunting preserve

  3. 狩猎这种动物是为了获取其毛皮。

    The animal is hunted for its fur .

  4. 他已经开始建造一间狩猎用的小屋。

    He 'd already started construction on a hunting lodge .

  5. 考古学家在阿拉斯加发现了一个距今11,700年的狩猎营地。

    Archaeologists have uncovered an 11,700-year-old hunting camp in Alaska .

  6. 狩猎监督官被派到新罕布什尔州去执行狩猎法令。

    Game wardens were appointed to enforce hunting laws in New Hampshire .

  7. 狩猎是意大利最受欢迎的体育运动之一。

    Hunting is one of Italy 's most popular sports

  8. 狩猎季节过后,我又重靠领取救济金过活。

    I go back on the dole when the shooting season 's finished .

  9. 粗花呢料或挂胶棉布料的狩猎装

    shooting coats in tweed or rubberised cotton .

  10. 我反对任何形式的狩猎。

    I am against hunting in any form .

  11. 有关在该托管机构管理的62.5万英亩土地上狩猎一事,最近一次辩论是两年前。

    Hunting on the trust 's 625,000 acres was last debated two years ago .

  12. 狩猎是合法活动。

    Hunting is a lawful activity .

  13. 松鸡狩猎开始于8月。

    Grouse shooting begins in August .

  14. 狩猎是数千年中人类从事的主要活动。

    For thousands of years chasing down game was the main activity in which humans were involved .

  15. 不管持反对意见的人将告诉你什么,狩猎适合于各个阶层的人。

    Despite what the antis would tell you , hunting is for people from all walks of life .

  16. 我们的考察范围仅限于狩猎动物。

    Our survey was restricted to the game animals .

  17. 现在正是狩猎的好时节。

    It is just the season for shooting now .

  18. 他在狩猎中的事就是当狗跑散时用鞭子把他们赶在一起。

    His job in the hunt is to whip the dogs in when they scatter .

  19. 这次冒险以几个狩猎营地作为基地,每天提供两次探索三角洲深处的独特旅程。

    Several safari camps operate as the base for this adventure , providing unique rides twice a day to explore deep into the delta .

  20. 在这个世界仍被狩猎采集者掌控的时候,那些规模小、联系紧密的群体就形成了他们各自独立的语言模式。

    When the world was still populated by hunter-gatherers , small , tightly knit groups developed their own patterns of speech independent of each other .

  21. 这些当地居民现在不得不把传统自给自足的狩猎生活方式与现代法兰西共和国所提供的生活方式相平衡,这一方面带来了必要的国家福利,另一方面也带来了酗酒、背叛甚至自杀。

    These local citizens now have to balance their traditional self-supporting hunting lifestyle with the lifestyle offered by the modern French Republic , which brings with it not only necessary state welfare , but also alcoholism , betrayal and even suicide .

  22. 在农业时代,农民可以忘记狩猎技能。

    In the Agricultural Age , a farmer could afford to forget hunting skills .

  23. 这种狗对狩猎很有用。

    This variety of dog is very useful for hunting .

  24. 狩猎女神狄安娜

    Diana , the goddess of hunting

  25. 当厌倦狩猎时,阿尔特弥斯常常在小山泉中淋浴。

    When she was tired with hunting artemis used to take abath in a little mountain spring .

  26. 我已经带过太多有钱牙科医生的狩猎队,我不能再听取任何自杀性建议了

    I 've had too many safaris with rich dentists to listen to any more suicidal ideas .

  27. 有一天,他出去打猎,突然,一阵狂风吹来,把他头上的帽子和假发一起吹跑了,此事成了狩猎活动中的一大乐事。

    One day he went out hunting . It was blowing rather hard at the time , and he hadn 't gone far before a gust2 of wind caught his hat and carried it off , and his wig too . This became a big amusement of the hunt .

  28. 据纽约时报的一篇文章,如果联邦法官唐纳德W。莫洛伊没有改变这个决定的话,星期二狼会成为狩猎的目标。

    According to an article in the New York Times , wolves will become targets Tuesday if federal judge Donald W.Molloy doesn 't reverse the decision .

  29. GPS设备使卑格米人能够定位圣树、传统的狩猎场、以及由于生长着特殊果实或昆虫幼虫因而在具体季节不能扰动的植物。

    The GPS device allows Pygmies to pinpoint sacred trees , ancestral hunting grounds , and plants which should not be touched during the season when they yield special fruits or caterpillars .

  30. 第二个CW的真人秀叫做《完美得分》,是一个约会节目……所以还是让我们说回《狩猎》吧。

    The second new CW reality series is called Perfect Score . This is a dating show ... Yeah , so back to The Hunt .