
  1. 你可以到食街去吃一次狗不理包子。

    You can go to food street to enjoy Goubuli steamed dumpling .

  2. 商标权与字号权的权利冲突&兼评天津狗不理包子饮食(集团)公司诉哈尔滨天龙阁饭店、高渊侵犯商标专用权纠纷再审案

    Conflicts of Rights between the Trademark Right and the Right of Shop Names

  3. 狗不理包子是众所周知的天津小吃,多汁但不油腻。

    Goubuli 's stuffed-buns are known for their generous filling , which is succulent but not greasy .

  4. 狗不理包子是中国天津的一道有名的小吃。

    Goubuli ( Go Belive ) stuffed bun is a famous snack of Tianjin City , China .

  5. 有很多种类型的包子,像有名的蒸饺,小笼包还有狗不理包子。

    There are many sorts of steamed buns with flavored stuffing , such as the famous steamed dumplings , mini steamed buns and Goubuli steamed buns .

  6. 据说袁世凯曾把狗不理包子作为贡品献给慈禧太后,而且慈禧太后品尝之后龙颜大悦。

    It is said that Yuan Shikai once brought Goubuli stuffed bun as a tribute to Empress Dowager Cixi , who was very pleased after tasting the bun .

  7. 因为色鲜味美,狗不理包子很快就驰名中外,而且还在天津、北京和其他的很多城市开设了分店。

    With its fresh and delicious taste , Goubuli stuffed bun is famous across China and even abroad , and Tianjin , Beijing and other cities have set up branch stores .

  8. 关于“狗不理”包子的来历,据说还有一个小故事。

    There is an interesting anecdote about the origin of Goubuli steamed stuffed buns .

  9. 说到天津三绝,自然而然想起一个故事,就是“狗不理”包子这个名字的由来。

    Speaking of the three unique delicacies of Tianjin , I naturally came upon a story which tells how the Goubuli steamed stuffed bun gets its name .

  10. “狗不理”包子号称天津三绝之一,享誉中外,至今已有百余年的历史。

    " Goubuli " steamed stuffed bun is one of the three special foods in Tianjin with a history of over one hundred years , which is well-known both home and abroad .