
  • 网络Special programs;special course;special curriculum;Special Programmes
  1. 企业管理学校也开始提供特殊课程来训练这些在困境中经营家族企业的第二代和第三代老板。

    Business schools have also begun offering special programs to train the second and third generation owners in the difficulties of managing a family firm .

  2. 制订特殊课程,以满足特定群体的需要。

    Special programmes of study are tailored to the needs of specific groups .

  3. 他知道patrick有一个特殊课程。

    He knew that Patrick was in a special classes .

  4. 这些在线教学平台除了会影响商学院传统的mba项目以外,还可能改变商学院针对雇主和在职专业人士的特殊课程的授课方式。

    Outside the traditional MBA , these platforms could alter the way business schools deliver specialised courses for employers and working professionals .

  5. 下午两点我们开始学习针对奥运会的特殊课程。

    At two we start our special classes for the Olympics .

  6. 这也是对自己的一个特殊课程。

    It is also an exceptional course on its own .

  7. 你应该参加像识字之类传授基本技能的特殊课程。

    You need to attend special classes in basic skills such as literacy .

  8. 他们还接受特殊课程并观察顾客盯着商品时的反应。

    They also take willing subjects and observe their reactions as they gawp at products .

  9. 它们会安排一些特殊课程,帮助学生更深刻地思考各自的学科,并进行模拟面试。

    Special classes are arranged to help students think about their subjects more deeply and mock - interviews are conducted .

  10. 大量的年青从业者蜂拥报名教授西方社交礼仪的特殊课程。

    Large numbers of young professionals have flocked to special classes devoted to teaching the ins and outs of western manners .

  11. 但是女性被这种特殊课程吸引,是因为她们更希望与众不同、而不是赚钱吗?

    But are women attracted to this particular course because they are more interested in making a difference than making a profit ?

  12. 超凡使者:该人从那些经受反叛考验、被证实忠诚的人所开设的特殊课程中毕业而到达天堂岛。

    Mighty Messenger : One who has graduated Paradise in a special class of those who are rebellion tested and proved loyal .

  13. 高校双语教学是一种既不同于普通专业课又不同于外语课的特殊课程类型。

    Bilingual teaching is a special type of teaching which is different from either foreign language teaching or the teaching of other discipline courses .

  14. 我上学去了,我不得不参加特殊的课程来学习英语,因为所有的课程都是用英语授课的。

    I went to school and I had to attend special classes to learn English as all the lessons were taught in English .

  15. 首先介绍了目前特殊教育课程设计方法的利弊,然后致力于课程设置的调整,最后是通过IEP设置个体化课程的一个案例。

    First , the advantages and disadvantages of current curricular approaches in special education were introduced . Adaption of curriculum design was also presented .

  16. 这一个特殊英语课程的作者是玛丽莲水稻克里斯。

    This Special English program was written by Marilyn Rice Christiano .

  17. 社区教育活动,本质上也是一种特殊的课程学习。

    Programs carried out in community education are in essence quite unique .

  18. 高校特殊体育课程开发实证调查研究

    Empirical research on the development of special physical education curriculum in the universities

  19. 普通师范院校特殊教育课程开设情况的调查

    An Investigation Report on the Implementation of Special Education Courses in General Normal Colleges and Universities

  20. 关怀视野下普通中学特殊体育课程内容的设计与开发

    Design and Development of the Special Physical Education Curriculum Content in Life Concern View in Ordinary Schools

  21. 受基础教育课程改革的影响,我国特殊教育课程改革也不断深入发展,尤其以培智学校的校本课程开发更为突出。

    Now , curriculum reform of the special education is developing , especially in school of low intelligence .

  22. 可以去询问学校有关它们特殊专业课程中,基础课程和高级课程的平均分配。

    Ask schools about average sizes of their introductory courses and the advanced courses in a particular major .

  23. 思想政治理论课特殊的课程性质和要求,决定了思想政治理论课教学案例有着区别于其他课程教学案例的特色。

    The nature and requirements of ideological and political theory course determine its unique connotations different from other courses .

  24. 有特殊宗教课程学习的专业,通常在神学院教授。

    The learned profession acquired by specialized courses in religion ( usually taught at a college or seminary ) .

  25. 合一大学开设一个特殊的课程,学员将经历一次朝圣之旅的洗礼来深化他们对于合一现象的体验。

    We will be offering a special program where participants may undertake a pilgrimage to deepen their experience of the Oneness phenomenon .

  26. 调查结果显示:目前我国仅有13.9%的师范院校开设或曾经开设特殊教育课程。

    The results show that only 13.9 % of the normal colleges and universities in China offer or once offered special education courses .

  27. 普通师范院校开设特殊教育课程或者讲授有关内容,使普通教师掌握必要的特殊教育知识。

    Ordinary normal schools shall offer curricula or lectures on special education so that teachers in ordinary education may have some necessary knowledge of special education .

  28. 那些容易冲动的少年有可能会受益于特殊驾驶课程,让他们练习在困难的条件下控制赛道上的车。

    Teenager who have problems with impulsivity may benefit from special driving classes that let them practice controlling the car in difficult conditions on a racetrack .

  29. 隐性课程是整个课程系统中非常重要的一部分,它是与显性课程不同的一种特殊的课程。

    Hidden curriculum is an important part in the whole curriculum system , it is a special kind of curriculum that is different from explicit curriculum .

  30. 教师忽略了学生、师生关系、家长和社会各方面的支持也是重要而特殊的课程资源。

    Nearly all the teachers ignore the relationship between the teachers and the students and the support from the students ' parents as an important and special curriculum resource .