
tè bié lěi fàn
  • special recidivist
  1. 四是我国特别累犯制度的立法完善。

    Part four is improvement on legislation of special recidivist system .

  2. 刑法典第三百五十六条实质上是关于特别累犯的规定。

    Essentially , Article 356 Of Penal Code stipulates special recidivist .

  3. 第三部分:我国特别累犯制度的立法反思。

    Part three : legislative reconsider on special recidivist system .

  4. 具体而言,应适当扩大特别累犯之范围,增设单位累犯,并针对不同累犯确立不同的处罚原则。

    In detail , we should enlarge the range of special recidivist properly , add corporate recidivism and establish different punishment principle aiming at .

  5. 该部分分别以普通累犯和特别累犯的不同的成立要件,结合中外有关累犯的规定进行一定的比较分析。

    According to the regulations both in China and other countries , a comparative analysis of the different important composing conditions of ordinary recidivism and special recidivism is done in the part .

  6. 根据不同类型累犯的危险性人格评价的不同提出了普通累犯可以从重处罚或加重处罚,特别累犯应当从重处罚或加重处罚。

    According to the different types of recidivism risk for personality evaluation of the different , I proposed that general recidivism can be given a heavier punishment or aggravated punishment , special recidivism shall be given heavier punishment or aggravated punishment .