
  • 网络Material incentive
  1. 做好物质激励和精神激励的有效整合。

    Material incentive to inspire and effective integration .

  2. 在物质激励方面,提出建立科学合理的薪酬体系。

    In terms of material incentive , it proposes to set up a scientific and reasonable compensation system .

  3. 据此,作者设计出了一套由物质激励计划、精神激励计划以及适当的压力激励计划共同组成的综合激励方案。EVA股份期权激励计划的制定

    The paper makes out a comprehensive motivational plan , which combines material , spiritual and proper pressure motivational plans . The Design of the EVA Shares Option Incentive Scheme

  4. 本文探索构建了由物质激励、精神激励、竞争激励和潜能激励所构成的系统的激励体系,希望对于H公司在走出经营困境和保持企业长期发展方面能提供了一些有益的管理思路。

    This article has established the whole inspiring system including material inspiring , spirit inspiring , competition inspiring and potential ability inspiring . Hope this article will provide some new solutions for H Company to get out the lurch and keep a long time development .

  5. 在非物质激励方面,SSP公司应加强企业文化建设、实施工作激励、积极进行员工培训,同时充分考虑员工个人职业生涯发展等。

    In non-material motivation , the company Ssp should build up the enterprise culture , supply work motivation , give the personnel more training chance , think about the personnel ' career growth .

  6. 在对知识密集型企业SSP公司知识型员工的激励策略现状进行分析的基础上,运用激励理论,从企业实际出发,同样从物质激励和非物质激励两方面提出适合企业本身的员工激励措施。

    Based on the analysis on the motivation tactics on the knowledge personnel in company Ssp , the paper applied some motivation theory to the company Ssp , and put forward a project that the company must use two methods to improve the efficiency .

  7. 关于80后新型员工的非物质激励研究

    The Research on Non-material Motivation of the 80 's Knowledge Staff

  8. 有线和灯罩的物质激励牛仔。

    The cable and lampshade are the material inspired by denim .

  9. 中国的花费在升高,而当地的物质激励增长了。

    Costs are rising in China while material incentives grow locally .

  10. 经营者组合激励中非物质激励的价值分析

    Value Analysis on Non-Material Incentive in Combination Incentive to Managers

  11. 第四,重物质激励,轻精神激励;

    No4.Attach more importance to material encouragement and ignore the spiritual encouragement .

  12. 保健因素需求与物质激励效果相关性不显著,激励因素需求与精神激励效果显著正相关。

    Hygiene Factor has no significant relationship with material encouragement .

  13. 重庆市公立医院医务人员非物质激励研究

    Study on Immaterial Motivation of Medical Staff in Public Hospitals of Chongqing

  14. 关于物质激励与精神激励基础与结合研究

    Study of the Base of Material and Spiritual Incentive and their Combination

  15. 主要介绍了一般激励理论和非物质激励理论。

    It mainly introduces the general incentive theory and non-material incentive theory .

  16. 物质激励和精神激励相结合的原则;

    Principle of combination of material incentives and spiritual incentives ;

  17. 关于企业经营者物质激励的几个问题

    On the Material Incentives Given to Enterprise Administrative Operators

  18. 企业的物质激励的手段及效率研究

    The methods and Efficiency of Material Rewards in Enterprises

  19. (在这种模式下,对销售人员进行物质激励和任命,尤其具有挑战性。)

    ( Incentivizing and commissioning salespeople with this model is particularly challenging ) .

  20. 分为精神激励和物质激励。

    The methods of encourage are the material encourages and the spirit encourages .

  21. 方案设计是物质激励与精神激励相结合。

    The program design is a combination of material incentives and spiritual incentives .

  22. 基于组织中员工自我认同理论的知识型员工非物质激励研究

    The Research on Knowledge Workers ' Non-material Incentive Based on Self Identity Theory

  23. 非物质激励:职业生涯规划、沟通机制、榜样、荣誉机制。

    Non-material incentives : career planning , communication mechanisms , models , honor mechanisms .

  24. 然后提出了中层管理人员的非物质激励现状中存在的问题。

    Then proposed middle managers ' non-material drove in the present situation exists question .

  25. 物质激励是激发人的动机、调动积极性的重要手段。

    The material encourages are the very important means to stir up the employees'enthusiasm .

  26. 调整短期物质激励和长期物质激励比例;

    Adjusting the proportion between short term material stimulation and long term material stimulation ;

  27. 非物质激励的优势被越来越多的企业所重视。

    The advantage of non-material motivation has been concerned by more and more enterprises .

  28. 非物质激励的理论内涵与实践运用

    On the Connotation and Practice of Immaterial Incentive

  29. 本文主要对管理者实施非物质激励和激励组合进行的研究。

    This article focuses on the effect of non-material incentive and combination incentive to managers .

  30. 企业员工的非物质激励研究

    A Study on Immaterial Motivation of Employees