
  • 网络the object of real right
  1. 物权客体是研究物权法的逻辑起点,要想认知物权,就必须先弄清作为物权客体的物。

    The object of real right is the logical beginning of studying Real Right Law , if you want to understand the real right , you must firstly understand the " res " .

  2. 本文从比较法上对物权客体的考察入手,阐述了不同时期、不同国家的法律对物权客体的规定,并对其进行理论探讨,分析目前关于物权客体学说,并进行了比较详细的评述。

    This paper starts from the exploration of object of real right in the comparative law , elaborating and discussing the provision of legislation on the object of real right of different time on different countries and analyzing and commenting current theories about the object of real right .

  3. 节约型社会视角下的物权客体

    The Object of Property Right from the Conservation - oriented Society Viewpoint

  4. 准物权客体之上竖立的所有权就是准物权的母权。

    The property based on the object of quasi-property is the mother of quasi-property .

  5. 对于物权客体的理解是见仁见智的。

    Different people have different opinions about the understanding of the object of real right .

  6. 而且小区车库是为停放车辆修建,有独立的出入口,具有使用上的独立性,因而可以成为独立的物权客体。

    Also the garage is independent in use , built for parking and has independent entrances .

  7. 物权客体特定原则与不动产的含义应重新理解。

    The object specific principle of real right and meaning of the real estate should be understood again .

  8. 随着科技的进步,传统的物权客体呈现扩张的趋势。

    With the development of science , the traditional object of real right showed the tendency of expansion .

  9. 善意取得制度的物权客体包括动产、不动产及其他权利客体。

    System of property rights acquired in good faith objects , including movable and immovable property and other rights object .

  10. 将这些域名信息衍生利益剥离开来时,域名实体就显现出其物权客体的属性。

    These domain names information spin-off benefits will be separated , the domain entities showing the object of real property .

  11. 作为物权客体的物,应有多种法定的分类,集合物就是相当必要和重要的一种物的类型。

    As the object of property , res should has statutory and diverse classification , and universitates is an essential and vital one .

  12. 对物权客体物的含义与种类的新解读就物权立法的新建议

    New Interpretation to the Meaning and Categories of Substance the Object of Real Right Along with the New Suggestions to the Legislation of Real Right

  13. 网络虚拟财产具备实在性、特定性以及确定性三个特征,符合物权客体的法律属性。

    In addition , network virtual property has three other characters : substantiality , specialty and ascertainment , which accords with the legal attribute of property .

  14. 传统物权客体理论在指导思想、物的特征表现、价值属性和使用方式等方面与节约型社会理念存在诸多矛盾。

    The orthodox theory abort the object of property right conflicts with the Conservation-oriented Society , relating to the guidelines , characteristic of object , value attribute and the way of use .

  15. 同样,在对物权客体认识上也限于只承认有体物,而不承认财产权利为物权客体。

    Equally , limited to only admitting that there are body things too in knowing to the real right object , and does not acknowledge the property right is the real right object .

  16. 该原则的适用范围主要包括:动产与不动产的区分;物权客体范围;物权的保护方法;物权的种类;物权的取得、变更和消灭。

    The scope of application of the principle include : the distinction between movable and immovable property ; property object scope property rights protection method ; the type of property ; rights of acquisition , change and the eradication of .

  17. 基于以上分析作者自己提出了对于作为物权客体的物的理解,应在具体的物权类型之下来论述物权客体。

    Based on above analysis , the author puts forward his comprehension about the " res " which acts as the object of real right , namely , the object of real right should be discussed under a particular real right type .

  18. 在以农业为基础的中华法系的发展过程中,作为民法物权客体之一的土地,对于统治阶级和被统治阶级均有重要政治、经济及军事意义。

    In the development of China 's legal system which is based on agriculture , land as one of the objects of property right in civil laws has great political , economic , and military significance for both the ruling and the ruled classes .

  19. 虚拟财产的典型类型有:虚拟物、虚拟无形财产、虚拟集合物虚拟财产具备财产权利客体的属性;虚拟物具备物权客体的属性,应适用物权规则。

    The typical types of the virtual property include the virtual things , the virtual incorporeal things and the virtual assemblage . The virtual property possesses the attributes of the object of the property right and the virtual things have the attributes of the object of the real right .

  20. 财产利益说的观点认为物权的客体是财产利益。

    According the opinion of " interests of property theory ", object of the real right is property interest .

  21. 野生动物作为物权之客体异于一般物权之对象而应区别对待。

    Wild animals as objects distinct from the general property rights of the Property should be targeted for the treatment of distinction .

  22. 国有财产、集体财产和私人财产以及企业,都符合集合物的构成要求;它们之所以能作为物权的客体,是要适用统一的法律关系。

    State property , collective property , private property and enterprise are all suitable to be viewed as universitates , which could apply integrally certain legal relations as the object of property .

  23. 重点分析了矿产资源的物的属性,并得出结论:矿产资源符合民法中的物的属性,可以成为物权的客体。

    It also analyzes the real attribute of mineral resources and concludes that : mineral resources in line with civil law in the " object " in nature can become the object of real right .

  24. 而权利标的物,如果有的话,是权利所最终指向的对象,也是最底层的客体。论文第二章对担保物权的实质客体进行了考察。

    Chapter two of the article examines the substantial object of security rights .

  25. 自然资源利用权作为一种特殊用益物权,其客体与产权流转有其自身特殊性。

    Natural resource using right is a special usufructuary right with representatives at its object and property transfer .

  26. 既是土地管理的对象,又是农业生产的基本生产资料,更是物权的重要客体。

    It is the object of land management , the basic productive material , and one of the important objects of physical property .

  27. 我国物权法规定物权客体包括动产、不动产和法律规定的权利。

    The law of real right in China stipulates that the object of real right includes the real property , the personal property and the rights prescribed by the constitution and the law .

  28. 商品房作为民法物权中的典型客体,是房地产开发企业开发建设,并在房地产二级市场自由出售、具有完全商品意义的、买卖人有完整所有权的住房。

    As a typical object of the right in rem in civil law , commercial housing with full product meaning is constructed by the real estate development companies , and can be sold in secondary market freely , and people also possess an absolute ownership of it .

  29. 广义的变更,包括物权的主体、客体与内容等要素中的一项或数项的变更,而狭义的变更仅指物权客体与内容的变更;物权的消灭也有绝对消灭和相对消灭之说。

    Broad changes , including one or more of the property rights of the subject , object and content elements change , and changes in the narrow sense refers only to the object of real right content changes ; The Real Right elimination absolute eradication and relative destroy .

  30. 我国《物权法》第二条对物权客体作出了规定,但从逻辑上讲,该条第二款并非对物的严格定义。

    Article 2 of Real Right Law of the Peoples Republic of China has made the stipulation to the object of real right , but says logically , Article 2 is not the strict definition of " res " .