- state of matter

[state of matter] 物质存在的三种基本物理状态(固态、液态和气态)
First , based on the ancient idea " universe ", narrative time in Chinese ancient novel have the state of matter tendency , and then form it 's " time and matter parallel " narrative convention ;
Solid is one of the states of matter .
The Equation of State and Explosive Energy of Type II Supernova
Improvement upon Viral Method and Research On the Temperature Formula and the Equation of State
The Theory Research of ( NaCl ) Macroscopic Equation of State of the Substance
Preparation of Metallic Ultra-fine Powders Using Wire Electrical Explosion Method and Development of the Apparatus ; The Equation of State and Explosive Energy of Type II Supernova
State of Iron Determined by Hugoniot Parameter and Morse Potential
The energy deposition of electron beam and the wave propagation in aluminum are calculated by using Monte Carlo methods and the hydrodynamic equations , respectively .
Among the lithosphere source elements , Sc , Al , Fe and Ti mainly enrich in indissoluble phase , rare earth elements mainly enrich in oxide phase and indissoluble phase .
Applications of T-P distribution to equation of state at high pressures
The equations of state were calculated with Thomas Fermi ( TF ) method and TF equivalent ionicity was introduced for the plasma hydrogen .
The study of the nuclear equation of state and of quark-gluon plasma ( QGP );
When the dimension n ≥ 6 , if London 's theory still be used the grand partition function will be divergent , and in this case the equations of state and thermodynamics functions will be nonsense .
The resulted information also showed that potential pollution of heavy metals are obvious in the sediments of the river , and Pb and Cu mainly accumulated in organic and residual forms with Zn in Fe and Mn oxides .
Equation of state of detonation product (ⅱ) & does znd theory of detonation fail ?( b )
When the dimension n ( n < 6 ) is different , we get conclusions , by the London 's theory , that the equations of state for classical non-ideal gases are similar and have nothing to do with the relation between energy and spectrum .
Besides , we summarized physical factors and numerical calculation method in type ⅱ supernova , such as electronic captured and the equation of state , array of difference and the general relativity hydrodynamic method .
Calcium magnesium phosphate raise the pH values of soil , lower weak acid dissolvable lead contents and carbonic acidity lead contents in soil , enhance oxidisable lead contents and residual lead contents in soil . Calcium magnesium phosphate also lower the contents of lead in brassica chinensis shoots .
A statistical mechanics proof had been presented , so the substance parameter R in the EOS first time has its virtual definition and then can be used without any other EOS .
This not only tested the calculation method , but also the ZND theory of detonation and the two phase R T EOS again .
Based on the virial theorem and the similarity assumption a new equation of state for detonation products , VLW EOS , has been proposed .
For neutron matter with M-S interaction , the critical density of the ferromagnetic transition , the equation of state and the neutron star models are calculated .
Isentropes can be used as the reference of Gruneisen EOS and other EOS forms , whose knowledge is very important for understanding the off - Hugoniot states .
In this paper , a new method for calculating the - parameters in the Mie-Gruneisen equation of state from shock compression data is presented .
In this paper , the relationship that the average covalency reduction factor N and the crystal field parameter D q alter with temperature from the equation of solid has been found . Therefore the temperature dependence spectrum in Zn 1-x Mn xSe may be explained satisfactorily .
When the volume fraction changes from 0.05 to 0.25 , the result of the state equation approaches the result from computer simulation and is better than those from lower term virial expansion and P Y approximation .
The equation of state at zero temperature is computed based on density-functional theory within the generalized-gradient approximation . The vibrational contributions are calculated by the mean-field potential model .
The quark-gluon plasma evolution is described by relativistic hydrodynamics with the equation of state of entropy density . The two-pion Hanbury-Brown-Twiss ( HBT ) correlation functions are calculated using quantum probability amplitudes in a path-integral formalism .
Gruneisen parameter γ is a very important parameter of condensed matters , which includes almost all information of the matter . The study of γ is very important for properties of thermodynamics , elasticity , non-syntony of the matter .
The calculated results show that the compression isentrope of aluminum under 200 GPa calculated with Appy EOS approaches to that with the linear Hugoniot , where the error is less than 1.5 % .