
  1. 基于e-Learning学习平台的物业服务企业人才培养模式研究

    The Study on Personnel Training Mode for Property Service Enterprise Based on E-Learning Platform

  2. 并且将该模型应用到GW物业服务企业成本管理中,重新设计物业成本核算体系,通过作业成本差异分析,确定成本降低的重点环节,证明了新体系对于物业成本信息正确性和全面性的保证。

    Moreover , the model was applied to the cost management of GW realty service enterprise . A new property cost accounting calculates system was established . In addition , carrying on the different analysis and evaluation of activity costing , the key links of cost reduction was determined .

  3. 物业服务企业与业主的利益冲突及其管理

    The Conflicts Between Property Services Companies and the Owners and Its Management

  4. 然后,在概念界定的基础上对物业服务企业安全保障义务及其主要内容做出分析和界定。

    Secondly , it defines the security obligations of the property services enterprise .

  5. 浅析物业服务企业安全赔偿责任之性质及构成要件

    Analysis on Nature and Composition of Security Reimbursement Liability of Property Services Business

  6. 物业服务企业与业主委员会、社区居委会之间到底存在什么样的关系?

    What kind of relationship between property service enterprises and owners committee , community committees ?

  7. 如何更有效的发挥物业服务企业在社区共同治理当中的作用?

    And how can property service enterprises play a more effective role in community governance ?

  8. 面对巨大的市场需求,物业服务企业面临着巨大的发展契机,具有广阔的发展前景。

    Due to the huge market demand , there are tremendous opportunities for the property service enterprises .

  9. 我国房产开发商自建物业服务企业现状与未来

    The Current Situation and Future of Property Services Companies Which Was Build Up by Real Estate Developers in China

  10. 最后是从其他角度来探讨该如何完善我国的物业服务企业安全保障义务制度。

    Finally , from other angles , it explores how to improve our property services enterprise security safeguards obligations system .

  11. 物业服务企业在发挥社区管理职能的过程中如何与业主委员会、社区居委会发生互动?

    How do property service enterprises interact with owners committee and community committees when they play the community management functions ?

  12. 在整体性思维的视角下,采用文献分析和访谈法研究的方法,探讨社区物业服务企业管理人员的应有的职业素质结构。

    Both qualitative and quantitative methods are employed to explore the competency model and its internal structure of Managers in the Estate Management Enterprises .

  13. 对建设单位聘请的物业服务企业或者其他管理人,业主有权依法更换。

    The owners shall , according to law , have the right to replace the property management service or other managers employed by the developer .

  14. 物业服务企业承担安全保障义务是《侵权责任法》的规定,更是保障居民安全利益的客观要求,因而具有重要的立法价值。

    It is an objective requirement for the property services companies to assume security obligations , so as to protect the interests of the safety of the residents .

  15. 然而,物业服务企业在快速发展的过程中仍然存在着许多问题,物业企业提供的服务往往不能让业主满意。

    However , in the progress of rapid development , these enterprises still face many problems , and the services could not meet most of the owners ' satisfaction .

  16. 笔者认为,业主和物业服务企业才是合同的真正当事人,是权利义务的最终承受者。

    The author believes that , the owner and the realty service enterprise is the real parties of the contract , is the ultimate risk-drivers of the rights and obligations .

  17. 因此,物业服务企业的绩效评价已超出企业本身的范畴,而应立足供应链的角度对其进行全面的评价。

    Therefore , the performance evaluation of the property services companies is beyond the scope of the enterprise itself , and should be carried out from the perspective of the supply chain .

  18. 所谓物业服务企业承担的安全保障义务是指物业服务企业依照法律或者物业服务合同约定,在物业管理服务区域内履行保障业主和有正当理由进入其管理范围的非业主人身、财产安全的义务。

    Property service enterprise taking the obligation of safety guarantee is refers to the property service enterprise should protect owners ' body and property safety according to the law or the service contract .

  19. 首先,本文介绍了物业服务企业的相关概念,包括物业、物业管理和物业服务企业的界定和物业服务企业与相关主体的法律关系。

    Firstly , it introduces the concept of property-related service enterprises , including the definition of property , property management and property services companies and property services companies and related subjects of legal relations .

  20. 自1981年广东省深圳市成立第一家物业服务企业以来,物业管理行业发展迅猛,现在已经成为社区建设、城市管理不可缺少的组成部分。

    Since the first property service enterprise was setup in Shenzhen , Guangdong Province in 1981 , property management has been developed vastly . Property has become one necessary part of community construction and city management .

  21. 在这种模式下,物业服务企业的绩效不单纯取决于自身的服务能力,还取决于与供应商的协作关系和对供应链服务流程的管理能力。

    In this mode , the property services performance of company not only depends on the capacity of itself , but on the collaboration with suppliers and the management capabilities in service process of supply chain .

  22. 同时,传统的经营模式越来越不适应需求多元化、个性化的特征,许多物业服务企业向物业服务集成商转变,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。

    Now many companies begin to pay more attention to property services integrator and achieve good economic and social benefits , because the traditional mode of operation has become increasingly unsuited to requirements of diversified and personalized features .

  23. 在物业服务企业违反安全保障义务承担侵权责任的归责原则方面,应以过错责任原则作为其归责原则,但在举证责任上应坚持过错举证责任倒置的办法。

    In the property company violate security obligations shall bear tort liability imputation principle , should be based on fault liability principle as its responsibility principle , but on the burden of proof should adhere to the fault onus probandi inversion approach .

  24. 根据管理科学方法分析研究结果表明,社区物业管理服务企业管理人员的职业素质结构主要包括专业知识、专业品质和运营管理能力三个方面。

    The results showed that the Estate Management Enterprises management competency model can be grouped into three factors : operational capabilities , resource management , and professional quality .

  25. 但是,我国安全保障义务的一般规定和物业管理专门立法对于物业服务企业安全保障义务的规定,还存在一定的缺陷,司法实践中也出现了缺乏判断标准而裁判不一的现象。

    However , our security obligations legislations for the realty service enterprise exist some flaws . Lacking of criteria makes varying referee in similar cases .

  26. 物业服务的提供方为物业服务企业和其他管理者。

    The providers of property services are property services companies and other managers .

  27. 物业管理与资产管理&物业服务企业发展模式的选择

    Property Management and Real Estate Asset Management : The Choice of Property Management Firms ' Development Model in China

  28. 随着物业服务行业的不断发展,物业服务企业之间的竞争也日益激烈。

    With the continuous development of the property services industry , competition between the property services business is becoming more intense .

  29. 例如,业主自治机构的有效运作问题、相关主体职责及其相互关系问题、物业服务收费问题、业主与物业服务企业纠纷解决途径问题等,实践中缺乏明确的法律依据和具体可行的解决方案。

    For example , the owner of autonomous institutions in effective operation , problems of roles of related subjects , issues of realty service charge and the solutions of realty service enterprise dispute , We are lack of related legal basis and practical solutions .

  30. 物业管理在我国尚处于起步阶段,物业服务企业需要项目管理技术来提高企业经营管理能力。

    At present , property management is at the beginning stage in our country . It is necessary for property service enterprises to utilize project management skills for improving property service enterprises ' business capacity .