
niú shì
  • bull market
牛市[niú shì]
  1. 从历史来看,过去5次重启IPO都带来了牛市。

    Historically , the past five resumptions of IPOs have all kicked off a bull market .

  2. 前一段时间,C看到了黄金牛市最终进入“躁期”,他希望黄金最终可以升值到5000美元一盎司。

    On the former , Casey sees the bull market in gold eventually entering a " mania stage ," which he thinks could push it to $ 5,000 an ounce .

  3. 鹿市,当然不是牛市,也不是熊市。鹿市的特点是股票买卖活动平缓,谨慎的投资者都在对股市未来的趋势静候观望。

    Neither a bull or bear market , a deer market is characterized by low activity , with timid investors waiting for a sign of which way the market is going to end up moving .

  4. 在OpenMarketIPO后,互联网牛市又延续了4年,终结于2000年春季。

    The Internet bull market continued to run for four more years after the open market IPO , finally ending in the spring of 2000 .

  5. 然而,熊市周期的国内生产总值(GDP)增长率(6.9%)略高于牛市周期(6.3%)。

    Meanwhile , GDP growth was slightly higher during bear cycles ( 6.9 per cent ) than bull cycles ( 6.3 per cent ) .

  6. 如果道琼斯工业平均指数(dowjonesindustrialaverage)与黄金的比率保持在2:1的水平,那将是表明黄金牛市运行良好的一个良好迹象。

    A Dow Jones industrial average / gold ratio of 2:1 would be a good sign the bull market in gold is getting well advanced .

  7. 市场仍有待发展,如果今日EIA数据引发任何惊喜并有可能影响目前牛市动力。

    It remains to be seen if today 's EIA stats can bring any surprises and possibly disrupt this current bullish momentum .

  8. 上述地区能与蔚蓝海岸(C?ted'Azur)、米兰及巴巴多斯等更具异国情调的区域比肩,这一事实验证了过去10年英国房地产牛市的强劲程度。

    The fact that these rub shoulders with more exotic locations such as the C ? te d'Azur , Milan and Barbados attests to the strength of the bull run in house prices in the UK during the past decade .

  9. 近几个月,瑞信(CreditSuisse)、法国兴业银行(SociétéGénérale)和高盛(GoldmanSachs)都曾表示黄金牛市已终结。

    Credit Suisse , Soci é t é G é n é rale and Goldman Sachs have all called the end of the bull market in recent months .

  10. 东方证券(OrientalSecurities)驻上海的分析师吴刚表示:我们认为,这只是牛市环境中的一个短期调整,市场的基本面仍然良好。

    Wu Gang , analyst at Oriental Securities in Shanghai , said : We believe this is only a short term adjustment in a bullish environment and the good fundamentals of the market remain .

  11. 不理原油预期轻微上升,昨日EIA数据显示会有大量存货,并会带来牛市影响。

    Despite expectation of a small increase in crude stocks , yesterday 's EIA stats showed a large draw in inventories which'normally'should have a bullish impact .

  12. 涨幅名次有所变动,正如人们在牛市时期所预计的那样,较晚IPO上市的新股涨幅排名上移(调整较少),而较早IPO上市的新股涨幅排名下移(调整较大)。

    The order shifts as one would expect in a bullish stock market with newer IPOs moving up in the ranking ( less adjustment ) and older IPOs moving down ( more adjustment ) .

  13. 中国银河证券(galaxysecurities)的一位高级经理表示,许多国内投资者认为,在目前的牛市,基于未来收益对股票进行定价的传统估值方法没什么意义。

    A senior manager at one of the Underwriters , Galaxy Securities , said many local investors thought that conventional valuations , pricing shares based on future earnings , had little meaning in the present bull market .

  14. 最终按照等权重的投资策略,以本文提出的基于SVM的分类技术所选出的优势股进行投资,无论是在牛市或是熊市,都能获取战胜大盘的超额收益。

    Investing by the stocks selected by the multi-class SVMs raised in this paper with the equally weighted portfolio , no matter when it is in a bull or bear market , investors can also get exceptional returns .

  15. 随着一些公司希望搭上已推高各板块估值的牛市,今年香港迎来了一连串大型IPO,联想控股的上市将成为其中的最新一宗。

    Legend is set to become the latest in a string of large IPOs in Hong Kong this year , as companies look to ride an equity bull market that has pushed up valuations across various sectors .

  16. 同时,在牛市中,股票估值较熊市更高。最后,本文对以上研究成果做了总结,并据此对我国创业板市场IPO抑价现象提出政策建议。

    Meanwhile , in a bull market , stock valuations are higher than a bear market . Finally , the above research results are summarized and corresponding recommendations and strategies were proposed on the GEM IPO underpricing .

  17. 价格稍后回升,因为有牛市新闻公布,OPEC会将十一月会议推至下周,预期会公布减小产量。

    Prices recovered later in the trading session as bullish news arrived via OPEC who are bringing their November meeting forward to next week and the expectation is they will announce product cuts .

  18. 而这一次,政府债券处于牛市,收益率位于几十年来低点,而crb大宗商品指数仍徘徊在2006年水平。

    This time , government bonds are in a bull market with yields at multi-decade lows , and the CRB commodities index is at 2006 levels .

  19. 商业地产公司GGP是整个牛市中标准普尔500最好的股票。

    Mall owner General Growth Properties ( GGP ) is actually the best SP 500 stock of the entire bull market .

  20. 在亚洲股市大幅下跌之后,富时100指数(ftse100)下跌4.1%,遭遇2003年3月牛市开始以来的单日最大跌幅。

    After Asian stocks sold off sharply , the FTSE 100 shed 4.1 per cent as stocks suffered their biggest one-day slump since the bull market began in March 2003 .

  21. Jupiter首席执行官爱德华•勃哈姆•卡特(EdwardBonhamCarter)表示:在牛市期间,我们没有大肆扩张,因此我们不需要启动成本削减计划。

    Edward Bonham Carter , chief executive of Jupiter said : As we did not expand aggressively during the bull market , we do not need to embark on a cost-cutting programme .

  22. 惠特尼日分析师梅雷迪思惠特尼(MeredithWhitney)就花旗集团(Citigroup)发表了一份看跌的研究报告,引发美国银行股遭到抛售,在2007年10月彻底终结了牛市。

    Whitney Day was when a bearish note about Citigroup by analyst Meredith Whitney sparked a sell-off of US banks , ending the bull market for good in October 2007 .

  23. MillwardBrownOptimor的研究显示,具有强大品牌价值的公司和产品能明显获得较高的回报,无论是在牛市还是在最近的市场低迷时期。

    The Millward Brown study showed that products and companies with strong brand value enjoyed markedly stronger returns in good times and also during the recent market downturn .

  24. 最近,我提出股票目前看上去估值偏高,但高得不算离谱。我还提出,牛市的未来可能取决于全球GDP何时遭遇供应面制约,迫使全球货币状况真正收紧。

    Recently , I argued that equities now look overvalued , but not egregiously so , and that the future of the bull market could depend on when the level of global GDP started to bump up against supply side constraints , forcing a genuine tightening in global monetary conditions .

  25. 花旗集团(Citigroup)首席全球股票策略师罗伯特•伯克兰(RobertBuckland)表示:在一轮非常强劲的牛市后,抛售风险是典型行为&什么涨得最高,也会跌得最狠。

    " It 's a classic risk sell-off after a very strong bull run - whatever has gone up the most , is going down the most ," said Robert Buckland , chief global equity strategist at Citigroup .

  26. 但是在牛市和熊市极端情形下,协整检验和Granger检验均认为原油价格与股票市场没有显著关系,说明市场在这两个时期的有效性较弱。

    But in a bull market and bear market in extreme cases , co-integration test and Granger test showed that the price of crude oil has no significant relationship with the stock market , the market in the two period of weaker effectiveness .

  27. 运用广义误差分布的EGARCH(1,1)模型,分析中小板市场“牛市”和“熊市”行情(即样本)的波动非对称性。

    In this paper , We analyses the volatility asymmetry of the " bull " and " bear " market ( i.e.sample ), using generalized error distributed EGARCH ( 1,1 ) model in Small plate market .

  28. 通过将上证综指与新华富时中国25指数(FTSE-XinhuaChina25index)覆盖在纽约市场交易的中国公司股票相比,我们可以衡量本轮牛市在多大程度上要归因于蜂拥入场的本地散户投资者。

    We can gauge how much of this is down to stampeding local retail investors by comparing it with the FTSE-Xinhua China 25 index , covering Chinese stocks quoted in New York .

  29. 经验压倒一切,特别是在牛市当中。

    Because nothing beats experience , especially when times are good .

  30. 在20世纪90年代的长期牛市里他们欣喜若狂。

    They exulted during the long bull market of the 1990s .