
  • 网络gingival recession;Gum recession;gingival recession,GR
  1. 冠向复位瓣术治疗牙龈退缩的临床研究

    Coronally positioned flap procedure in the treatment of human gingival recession

  2. 结论牙龈退缩与楔状缺损是中老年人常见的牙病。

    Conclusion The gingival recession and the wedge shaped defect are common dental diseases in the elderly .

  3. 成人上颌快速扩弓后牙龈退缩状况的研究

    Research on the Gingival Recession of Adults after Rapid Maxillary Expansion

  4. 牙龈退缩后牙面处理的临床观察

    Clinical study of the treatment of gingival recessive tooth surfaces

  5. 上皮下结缔组织移植术治疗烤瓷冠修复后引起的牙龈退缩

    Treatment of gingival recessions of teeth with ceramic full crown by autogenous connective tissue graft

  6. 牙龈退缩与楔状缺损在中老年人中的发病情况和相关因素分析

    Investigation on the incidence of dental gingival recession and wedge-shaped defect in elderly population and relative factors

  7. 目的:通过对牙周菌群在两种义龈修复前后的种属变化探讨义龈修复对严重牙龈退缩患者修复治疗的远期效果及与牙周健康的关系。

    Objective : To explore the potential influence of the artificial gingival restoration on the periodontal microflora change .

  8. 结果:牙龈退缩、菌斑指数、放疗指数与年龄是根面龋产生的危险因素。

    RESULTS : Gingival recession , Plaque index ( PI ) and age were the risk factors of RC .

  9. 结果该组人群中牙龈退缩发生率100%,与牙位无关。

    Results The prevalence of the gingival recession was 100 % and had nothing to do with teeth position .

  10. 结论弹性基托材料生物相容性好,制作的义龈更有利于患者牙周健康的保持,是一种较为满意的治疗严重牙龈退缩的修复方法。

    Conclusions Elastic base material is biocompatible , conducive to periodontal health , and accordingly recommended for prosthesis of gingiva .

  11. 目的探讨中老年人牙龈退缩和楔状缺损的发生率和相关因素。

    Objective To investigate the incidence of the gingival recession and the wedge shaped defect in elderly population and relative factors .

  12. 还有各种原因所致的过度咬合力,也会使牙异常移动,而使牙龈退缩。

    Still there is various reason to of excessively bite resultant force , will also make tooth excrescent to move , but make the gum shrunken back .

  13. 结果除1例有中度牙龈退缩外,13例上前牙全部引入牙列并排齐而无并发症。

    Results : All the maxillary anterior teeth of the 13 cases were aligned in dentition perfectly and no complications were found with the exception of one case of moderate gingival recession .

  14. 材料与方法采取分层、按比例、整群随机抽样方法抽取985名太原市省直机关保健干部,依据WHO有关标准进行临床检查,检查内容包括患龋状况、牙龈退缩指数、菌斑指数等。

    Materials and methods : Proportioned , classified and randomized samples of 985 officials and professors of Shanxi province in Taiyuan city . According to WHO standards , clinical examination ( includes caries status , gingival recession index and plaque index ) was performed by three dentists .

  15. 有9例认为非常满意:义齿固位好,内外冠贴合,牙龈无退缩,咬合无翘动,无疼痛,美观舒适、咀嚼功能良好。

    Nine patients think very satisfaction : denture good retention , inside and outside champions 6-colours , gums , no retreat , no become warped dynamic occlusion no pains , beautiful and comfortable , chewing function is good .

  16. 牙龈薄的病人在矫正过程中可能有较高牙龈退缩的机会,因此应视情况进行矫正前牙龈移植的预防手术。

    Patients of thin gingiva biotype suffered from gingival recession after orthodontic treatment more frequently , so preventional gingiva graft procedure will be indicated for this kind of patients .