
  • 网络Dental Care;Dental Hygienist
  1. 最佳工作软件工程师保险精算师人力资源主管牙科保健员理财规划师听觉矫正专家职业治疗师网络广告经理计算机系统分析员数学家

    Best Jobs Software Engineer Actuary Human Resources Manager Dental Hygienist Financial Planner Audiologist Occupational Therapist Online Advertising Manager Computer Systems Analyst Mathematician

  2. 联邦执法人员表示,这名女性是34岁的米丽娅姆·凯里,据悉她的精神状态不断恶化,因此丢掉了牙科保健员的工作。

    Federal law enforcement official says the woman , 34-year-old Miriam Carey , had reportedly been in deteriorating mental state and had been fired from a job as a dental hygienist .

  3. 公司即将推出包括牙科保健计划和行为健康的服务。

    Offerings that cover dental plans and behavioral health are in the wings .

  4. 学童牙科保健服务部〔卫生署〕

    School Dental Care Service [ Department of Health ]

  5. 一门牙科保健的课程需要一到两年的时间来完成。

    A dental hygiene program takes from one to two years to complete .

  6. 牙根龋的预防和牙科保健

    Root Caries Prevention and Dental Hygiene Care

  7. 对于下层阶级的孩子,中心将提供模范的医疗和牙科保健。

    For the lower-class children , the centers will offer exemplary medical and dental care .

  8. 对牙科保健师的需求也在上升&从现在到2018年,牙科保健师的空缺职位预计将增长36.1%(平均年薪:68250美元)。

    Demand for dental hygienists is up too , with a projected 36.1 % growth in job openings between now and 2018 ( average pay : $ 68,250 ) .

  9. 对牙科保健师的需求也在上升——从现在到2018年,牙科保健师的空缺职位预计将增长36.1%(平均年薪:68250美元)。

    Demand for dental hygienists is up too , with a projected 36.1 % growth in job openings between now and 2018 ( average pay : $ 68250 ) .

  10. 一项研究职员工作成效的研究揭示了这一点。研究人员评估了一个瑞士的大型公共牙科保健机构的177名雇员,他们将人们分成几组:其中一组每周锻炼两个半小时;

    That 's the finding of a study that looked at the effects of an employee exercise program in which workers worked out during office hours . Researchers evaluated employees at a large Swiss public dental health organization . Of the 177 participants , one group exercised two and a half hours during the work week ;

  11. 白灿灿的牙齿印证了牙科医疗保健的巨大进步。

    Dreadful dentistry has given way to shiny white teeth .

  12. 罗尔夫做牙医已经40多年了,他成立了阿富汗牙科救援计划,为阿富汗公民提供免费牙科保健。

    James Rolfe . A dentist for more than four decades , Rolfe founded the Afghanistan Dental Relief Project , which provides free dental care to Afghan citizens .