
  • 网络Opening;opening theme
  1. 片头曲和片尾曲将由著名音乐家、曾为许多好莱坞影片配乐的本杰明·沃菲斯齐(BenjaminWallfisch)制作。

    Both the opening song and the ending song were created and edited by Benjamin Wallfisch , famous musician who has produced music for many Hollywood films .

  2. “来啊,互相伤害啊!”出自于日本动画片《罪恶王冠》的片头曲。

    To cause each other pain comes from the Japanese animated series Guilty Crown 's opening song " Euterpe . "

  3. 《当》(《还珠格格》的主题曲)、《好想大声说喜欢你》(日本动画片《灌篮高手》片头曲)这些熟悉的音乐在剧中响起的时候,我仿佛又回到了中学时代。

    When ( from TV series Return of the Pearl Princess ) and I Want to Shout I Love You ( from Japanese animation Slam Dunk ) played , I was taken back to my high school days .