
  1. 尽管刘老师很爱学生,但是对他们很严格。

    While Mr Liu loves his students , he is very strict with them .

  2. 教师(指所有的教师)必须爱学生。

    A teacher must love his students .

  3. 爱学生是教师职业道德的中心内容。

    The love to students is the central part of the professional moral of teachers .

  4. 首先,一个好的英语老师应该像他或她的工作,爱学生,应该是学生负责。

    Firstly , a good English teacher should like his or her job , love the students , should be responsible for the student .

  5. 作为一名教师、特别是一名班主任,首先应该做到爱学生,以赞赏的眼光看待每一个学生。

    As a teacher , especially a class teacher , first of all be loving the students to look at appreciation of each and every student .

  6. 她像母亲一样爱她的学生。

    She loved her students almost maternally .

  7. 她爱她的学生,就像他们是她的孩子一样。

    She loves her pupil as if they are her own children .

  8. 同样,被老师所爱的学生会反过来对老师表达出这种爱的情感。

    Likewise , a student loved by his teachers will in turn show loving feeling towards his teachers .

  9. 研究表明,教师的教育爱对于学生关心品质的形成具有重要的作用。

    Studies have shown that love from education plays an important role in the formation of concern quality .

  10. 因此,教师要重视感情的投入,以自己真诚的爱唤起学生的情感共鸣。我喜欢和诚实、对工作投入、为人正直的人一起工作。

    To arouse the resonance of the students ' emotion by warmhearted love . I like to work with people who are honest , dedicated to their work and have integrity .

  11. 如果司徒老师还在世,知道他的学生们仍然怀念他和爱戴他,如同他爱他的学生那样,他定会倍感欣慰和骄傲。

    If Teacher Szeto were alive today , I am sure he would be very pleased and proud to know that his students still remember and love him as he had loved them .

  12. 在本研究中,笔者以教学主体为起点,构建出促进学生学会关心的教学操作,即教师层面的教育爱和学生角度的践行关心。

    In this study , the author takes the teaching subjects as research subjects , and constructs the teaching operations to promote students ' Caring , that is , " love from education " from the perspective of teachers and " concern practice " from the perspective of the students .

  13. 例句:disruptivepupils爱捣乱的学生行为造成严重破坏的儿童

    children with highly disruptive behaviour

  14. 最爱作弊的学生。

    And the grad students most likely to cheat are .

  15. 只要有几个爱捣乱的学生,就能把全班搅乱。

    A few disruptive students can easily ruin a class .

  16. 爱是和学生沟通的最好方式。

    Love is the best way to communicate with children .

  17. 教师给学生的爱能够让学生们带着希望展翅飞翔。

    The love that teachers give students can make their hopes take wings .

  18. 考试成绩好的都是上课爱提问的学生。

    Students who do well in examinations are the ones who ask questions in class .

  19. 第二,如果班里爱学习的学生多,会给班里形成好的学习风气,大家你追我赶,孩子容易对学习产生兴趣。

    Second , if the class of students to love learning , the class will form a good learning atmosphere , we overtake each other , children easily become interested in learning .

  20. 根据现代大学生的特征,坚持以人为本的原则,关注学生的生活实际,用爱去尊重学生;适应学生的心理,用心去理解学生;

    According to the characteristic of modern university students , the ideological and political education of university students can be done well if adhering to the principle of " Students First ", paying close attention to students ' life , respecting them with love ;

  21. 我们还是喜欢那种爱爵士乐的金发学生

    But we still like our co-eds with blond hair and jugs

  22. 文章主要通过“用爱与智慧引领学生成长”的学生工作理念加以阐述。

    Student work was proposed through the idea of " leading student development with love and wisdom " .

  23. 在爱中,为学生谱写出亮丽的青春之歌。

    The school presents a brilliant song of youth to the foreign students living in the love-radiant atmosphere .

  24. 我不敢肯定我的学生是否都喜欢我,但我真的爱我所有的学生。

    I 'm not sure if all my students love me but I 'm sure I love them all .

  25. 我该改变自己的态度了,爱每一个学生,爱每个学生的各个方面。

    I change my attitude , and love each and every student , love all aspects of each student .

  26. 教师只有对学生抱有深深的爱,才能引起学生对教师的崇敬、信赖和亲近,才能建立起教育学生的感情基础。

    The teachers can obtain students ' adoration reposal and propinquity , and can upbuild feeling base of educating students if only they deeply love students .

  27. 老师应该像爱自己的孩子一样去爱学生。

    Teachers should love students as they love their own children .

  28. 我愿让这段话成为我的座右铭,用爱陪伴孩子们成长,用爱带给学生灿烂的生命阳光,用爱提升自己的生命价值,这就是我所追求的。

    I hope these words always stay in my heart and use love to accompany them grow up , use love to bring them bright sunshine , use love to improve my life value , that is what I want to do .

  29. 爱是最好的教学法,因为爱引领学生征服一切。

    Love is the best methodology of teaching , for love guides students to conquer all .