
pá chóng
  • reptile
爬虫 [pá chóng]
  • [reptile] 爬行动物

爬虫[pá chóng]
  1. 主动测量方法使用爬虫主动加入DHT网络,获取相关的网络特性和节点信息。被动测量方法一般在网络不同位置部署一定数量的测量节点,这些节点能够在不影响网络的情况下记录网络的状况。

    Active measurement method uses reptile , which actively , approach to relevant network characteristics and node information in DHT network , Passive Measurement deploys a certain number of measurement nodes in generally different locations in the network , which can record the network with not affect the network .

  2. 右边的富翁看上去就像是一个肥肥的大爬虫。

    The tycoon on the right looks like an overstuffed reptile ;

  3. 鸟类、爬虫及昆虫是卵生的。

    Birds , reptiles and insects come from eggs .

  4. 单击Next完成创建爬虫。

    Click on Next to complete the action of creating one crawler .

  5. 其他有用的专用爬虫包括Web站点检查器。

    Other useful specialized crawlers include Web site checkers .

  6. 一种deepweb聚焦爬虫爬行策略

    A Deep Web Sources Focused Crawler 's Crawling Strategy

  7. deepweb爬虫研究与设计

    On the research and design of deep web crawler

  8. 网络爬虫的其他应用在于监测WEB页面和搜索引擎。

    Other applications of Web spiders are in monitoring Web pages and in search engines .

  9. 并设计了增量获取deepweb数据的爬虫系统结构。

    And designed the system frame of crawler to incremental crawling the Deep Web data .

  10. 基于AJAX技术的deepweb爬虫实现方法研究

    The Research of Realizing a Deep Web Crawler Based on AJAX Technology

  11. 并以一个简单的爬虫系统为依托,详细分析了Web爬虫的构建的基本原理。

    Detailed analysis of the basic principles of building a Web Crawler based on a tiny crawler system .

  12. 文章介绍了一种更加有效的建立Web索引的方法,该方法是基于移动爬虫(MobileCrawler)的。

    This paper presents an alterna-tive , more efficient approach to building Web indices based on mobile crawlers .

  13. 这一信息能帮助web爬虫程序决定要爬行哪些页面以及爬行的时间。

    This information helps the Web crawler determine what the set of pages is and when to crawl them .

  14. 归档爬虫会简单地对Web站点进行遍历,将其网站的本地内容存储到一个长期的存储介质上。

    An archiving crawler simply crawls a Web site pulling content locally to be stored on a long-term storage medium .

  15. 主题爬虫就是遍历Web,但有选择的爬行与特定主题相关的网页,并避免爬行非相关网页。

    Crawl theme is traversing Web , but selectively crawl the page with a specific topic , and avoid crawling non-related pages .

  16. 最后一步需要使爬虫程序能通过Web服务器访问这个XML文档。

    The final step is to allow this XML document to be made accessible to crawlers through a Web server .

  17. 单击querystatistic行的Ededit按钮,移向爬虫选项卡。

    Click on the Edit button in the query_statistic line to move to the crawler tab .

  18. 基于JavaScript切片的AJAX框架网络爬虫技术研究

    Web Crawler Technology of AJAX Frame Based on JavaScript Slicing

  19. 研究了网络用户行为的特点及其分类,学习了用户行为分析中常用的Web挖掘技术及网络爬虫技术等。

    Study the characteristics of network user behavior and classification , learning the user behavior analysis commonly used in Web Mining and Web crawler technology .

  20. 在这种情况下,信息集成就更加需要Web爬虫来自动获取这些页面以进一步地处理数据。

    In this way , integration of this data relies more and more on the Web Crawler that can automatically fetch pages for further processing .

  21. 支持AJAX的网络爬虫系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a Web Crawler System Supported AJAX

  22. 分布式网络爬虫URL去重策略的改进

    Improvement on Unrepeated Tactics of URL of Distributed Spider

  23. 在这个由关于Applebot(苹果(Apple)的网络爬虫——译者注)的议论和硅谷(SiliconValley)狂热者主导的商业世界里,马尔凯蒂是个异类。

    In a commercial world dominated by chatter about Applebot and Silicon Valley evangelists , Marchetti is an exception .

  24. 创建和维护索引的任务由网络爬虫完成,网络爬虫代表搜索引擎递归地遍历和下载Web页面。

    The creation and maintenance of Web indices is done by Web crawlers , which recursively traverse and download Web pages on behalf of search engines .

  25. 基于HTMLParser信息提取的网络爬虫设计

    Design of Crawler Based on HTML Parser Information Extraction

  26. 爬虫去一个网地址(URL)并且下载HTML页。

    The crawler goes to a Web address ( URL ) and downloads the HTML page .

  27. 传统爬虫由于不具备处理Ajax的能力,在爬取此类deepweb数据时面临困难,在一定程度上影响信息覆盖率。

    Since the traditional search engines do not have the ability to handle Ajax , they face difficulties in crawling Deep Web data .

  28. 在主题搜索引擎中,如何提高主题爬虫效率以及以何种策略在web中进行爬去,这是主题搜索引擎的研究热点问题之一。

    How to improve the efficiency of subject crawler and strategies of crawling in web for information have become the focus in the study of subject search engines .

  29. 海量URL的管理一直是提高网络爬虫性能的一个瓶颈。

    The management of mass URL is the bottleneck for web crawler to improve its performance .

  30. 而爬虫军DNA则是第四维度的混合,因此将需要提升到下一维度而清除业力。

    Reptilian DNA is a fourth dimensional blending and will require more hosting this DNA to ascend to the next dimension to clear the karma for .