
rán qì diàn chǎnɡ
  • gas power plant
  1. Ovation系统通信网络在燃气电厂的应用

    Application of Communication Network of Ovation System in Gas Power Plant

  2. 厦门燃气电厂取水口工程3000T沉箱安装工艺

    Craftwork for Installation of 3000t coffer of intake water of Xiamen gas-fired power plant

  3. 他们发现,CSP系统可以满足地中海地区当前70-80%的电力需求,而且跟燃气电厂相比,它无需支付额外费用。

    They found that CSP in the Mediterranean region , for example , could provide 70-80 % of current electricity demand , at no extra cost compared to gas-fired power plants .

  4. 闽东南今后将建设大型港口燃气电厂和世界级大型石油化工基地,预测液化天然气(LNG)需求量2010年将达650万吨/年以上。

    In Southeast Fujian , the large sized port gas fired power plant and the world level , large sized petrochemical base will be constructed in the future and the forecasted LNG requirement in 2010 will be more than 6.5 × 10 6T / a.

  5. 电压无功自动控制系统在燃气电厂的应用

    Application of automatic voltage-var control system in fuel gas power plant

  6. 中国发展燃气电厂的若干问题

    Several Points on Development of Gas-fired Power Station in China

  7. 燃气电厂的二氧化碳排放量只有燃煤电厂的一半。

    A gas-fired plant produces half the CO2 emissions of a coal-fired one .

  8. 然而,天然气价格的提高可能会减慢燃气电厂的发展。

    S.Expansion . However , increasing natural gas prices may slow this trend .

  9. 燃气电厂风险分析

    Risk analysis of gas-steam combined cycle power plant

  10. 阴极保护技术应用于燃气电厂输气地埋管道的防腐处理

    Application of cathode protection technology to anti-corrosion treatment for buried natural gas pipelines of gas-fired power plants

  11. 燃气电厂的建设既快捷又廉价,而且美国的天然气非常充足。

    Gas-fired power plants are quick and cheap to build , and natural gas is plentiful in the US .

  12. 在未来竞价上网的大形势下,燃气电厂的发电成本和上网电价决定了燃气发电厂的竞争能力。

    Bidding in the next big situation , the gas-fired power generation cost and electricity price determines the competitiveness of gas power plants .

  13. 厦门东部燃气电厂取水口与东部港区~1泊位结合工程研究

    Study on " Incorporation Engineering " Harmonizing Building of Water-Taking Gap of Power Plant in Eastern Xiamen and Berth ~ # 1 of Eastern Port Area

  14. 发展燃气电厂和扩大天然气应用是能源结构调整战略中的重要组成部分,采取合理有效措施协调燃气电厂运行同天然气调峰之间的矛盾是其中的关键。

    It is the key among them to take the rational effective measure to get balance between the operation of electric power plants of gas fuel and adjusting the peak with gas .

  15. 中国对天然气的需求非常迫切。北京打算在今年年底之前将四家燃煤电厂改为燃气电厂,以减少大气污染。

    The natural gas is sorely needed . Beijing plans to retire four coal-fired power plants by the end of this year and replace them with gas-fired plants in an effort to reduce air pollution .

  16. 地热发电与传统燃煤、燃油、燃气电厂相比,具有生态洁净、节约燃料运输贮存和管理费用、建设周期较短等优势。

    Geothermal power generation , as compared with conventional coal / oil / gas fueled power plants , is advantageous in clean environment , lower costs for fuel transportation , storage and management , shorter construction period , etc.

  17. 燃气电厂生产成本与结算电价严重倒挂,企业面临着巨大的生存压力;另一方面,随着国家产业政策的变化和能源结构的不断优化,电力行业将面临着巨大的变革。

    Gas-turbine power plants are facing with big pressure for survival . On the other hand , with the change of industry policy and the optimization of energy structure , there would be a huge reform in electricity industry .

  18. 燃气联合循环电厂发电成本预测

    Electricity price analysis for gas-fired combined cycle power plants

  19. 分析认为,深圳市应该着手建立包括城市燃气和小电厂用气在内的天然气综合输配系统。

    Analyses show that Shenzhen should start to build comprehensive transmission and distribution systems incorporating various natural gas demands .

  20. 燃气轮机联合循环电厂试运测试

    Test of Trial Operation for Gas Turbine Combined-cycle Power Plant

  21. 珠江三角洲燃气-蒸汽循环电厂热机设计综述

    Summary on Design of Thermal Dynamic System of Gas-steam Circulating Power Plant at the Delta of Zhujiang River

  22. 提出了天然气再燃气技术应用于电厂锅炉设计与改造时必须考虑的各种因素和需要解决的问题。

    Problems are presented , which should be considered or solved in the application of gas reburning to the electric utility boiler .

  23. 研究结果为燃气蒸汽联合循环电厂直流冷却系统中的海生物污染控制提供了一种有效的解决方案。

    The research results has provided an effective solution to the marine creature fouling in seawater once-through cooling system of gas-and-steam united circulating power plant .

  24. 根据国内外燃气轮机联合循环电厂的试运经验,介绍了燃气轮机循环电厂试运测试项目。

    Test items of trial operation for gas turbine combined-cycle power plant are introduced base on operation experiences of gas turbine combined-cycle power plant both at home and abroad .

  25. 对燃气&蒸汽联合循环各部分的性能指标体系进行了归纳和总结,并根据目标燃气电厂针对每一部分每一性能指标确定了具体的实施算法。

    Steam combined cycle gas-to all parts of the performance index system and summarizes , and according to the target for each part of gas power plant every performance index determined the specific implementation algorithm .