
zhǔ fàn
  • cook rice;cook meals
煮饭[zhǔ fàn]
  1. 我怎么能帮她煮饭,又不被抓呢?

    How am I supposed to help her cook rice without getting caught ?

  2. 我们有很多煮饭的方法。

    We cook rice in many ways .

  3. 按照包装袋上的说明煮饭。

    Cook the rice according to instructions on the packet .

  4. 她们纺纱、织布、煮饭以及料理家务。

    They would spin and weave cloth , cook and attend to the domestic side of life

  5. 她每天煮饭洗衣。

    She cooks and washes everyday .

  6. 早晨不到五点钟,轿夫们淘米煮饭。

    Before five in the morning , the sedan bearers washed and cooked rice .

  7. 调了恒温器?煮饭放了芫荽叶?还是说often的时候发了“t”的音?

    Adjust the thermostat , cook with cilantro , pronounce the " t " in often ?

  8. vi.扫,打扫当玛丽的母亲煮饭时,她扫地。

    sweep While her mother was cooking , Mary swept the floor .

  9. 最后一个礼物来自Murias城,一个永不耗尽的大锅。当用它煮饭时,没有人会挨饿。

    The last gift came from the city of Murias , a great cauldron from which no one left unsatisfied when it cooked meals .

  10. 没办法,是时候你帮我煮饭了。

    Tough . it 's about time you helped me cook .

  11. 最近我在家里煮饭做家事。

    I 've been cooking and doing chores at my house .

  12. 我没办法像我妈以前那样煮饭。

    I can 't cook the way my mother used to .

  13. 当玛丽的母亲煮饭时,她扫地。

    While her mother was cooking , Mary swept the floor .

  14. 卡尼也会煮饭吗?我们要厨师。

    Can Kania cook , too ? We need a cook .

  15. 要么你给我煮饭,要么我就煮了你!

    Either you cook my rice , or I cook you !

  16. 煮饭、缝衣和料理家务都是持家的艺术。

    Cooking , sewing , and house keeping are household arts .

  17. 他甚至都不会自己煮饭。

    He can 't even cook for his own damn self .

  18. 不幸,能煮饭不能拯救婚姻。

    Unfortunately , able to cook does not save a marriage .

  19. 你不会告诉我,你会煮饭吧?

    You will not tell me , you will cook it ?

  20. 当约翰在看电视的时候,他妻子在煮饭。

    While John was watching TV , his wife was cooking .

  21. 你必须自己煮饭,完成功课。

    You must cook meal own and finish your homework .

  22. 琴:您点煮饭还是椰浆饭?

    Jean : Would you like boiled or coconut rice with that ?

  23. 他该不会连个煮饭的都没带吧?

    Did he not even have a cook with him ?

  24. 你丈夫每天煮饭给你吃?那真是难以置信!

    Your husband cooks for you every day ? That 's unbelievable !

  25. 当他敲门时,我正在煮饭。

    When he knocked at the door I was cooking .

  26. 她煮的菜很美味.有时候我的爸爸也来煮饭。

    She cooks nice dishes . Sometimes my dad does the cooking .

  27. 许多人们需要用水来煮饭来打扫清理。

    Many people need water to chink to cook and to clean .

  28. 在我回到家之前,妈妈已做好了晚饭。(“煮饭”先于“到家”)

    Mother had already cooked supper before I returned home .

  29. 她的经验有限,但是仍每天扫煮饭。

    She had little experience , but everyday she cooked and cleaned .

  30. 这些煮饭的到底知不知道芜箐不能当肉啊?

    Someone should tell the cooks that turnip isn 't a meat .