
  1. 贵州省应发展煤基液体燃料

    Should Develop Coal-Based Liquid Fuel in Guizhou

  2. 以“煤基液体燃料”和煤化工多联产为目标的新型煤转化技术;

    New coal conversion technologies targeting on " coal basis liquid fuels " and multi-production of coal chemistry ;

  3. 我们必须从现在起,认真对待和深入研究煤基液体燃料等前瞻性的问题。

    To avoid such conflicts , we have to seriously deal with , and study on such strategic problems as the coal-based liquid fuel from now on .

  4. 水煤浆(CWS)是一种新型煤基液体燃料。

    Coal water slurry ( CWS ) is a new unpolluted liquid fuel replacing petroleum .

  5. 中国石油和天然气资源储量相对于煤较为匮乏,水煤浆作为一种煤基的液体燃料是替代石油、天然气,合理利用我国能源资源的良好选择。

    Oil and gas reserves are scarcer than coal in china , so coal-water slurry ( CWS ) as a kind of coal based liquid fuel is a good choice to replace petroleum and natural gas for rational use of energy resources in China .