
hàn yào
  • solder
焊药 [hàn yào]
  • [flux] 见焊剂

  1. 一种新型CO2气体保护堆焊药芯焊丝

    Novel surfacing used flux-cored wire for CO_ 2 gas-shielded arc welding

  2. 一种金属粉芯型CO2气体保护堆焊药芯焊丝的研制

    Research of a Novel Metal Powder Welding Wire With Surfacing Shielded by CO_2

  3. 高硬度CO2气保护堆焊药芯焊丝的研制及其耐磨性能研究

    Development of CO_2 Gas Shielding Flux Core Wire with High Hardness and Research on Wear Resistant Property

  4. 讲述了CO2气体保护焊药芯焊丝、铁粉重力焊条、铁粉焊条和埋弧焊焊接材料在船舶高效焊接中的应用前景。

    This article anticipates the application of CO2 gas-shield flux-cored wire , electrode and submerged welding material .

  5. 基于燃烧合成技术的燃烧机理和焊接母材的成分配制焊药,并成形可用于手工操作的燃烧型焊条,对A3钢进行焊接实验。

    The thermal powder is mixed basing on the Combustion Synthesis ( Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis ) and the components of the A3 steel , the combustion welding rod that can weld by hand is made using this thermal powder .

  6. 自保焊药芯焊丝焊接工艺

    Welding Technology of Self Shielded Flux Cored Electrode

  7. 裂缝中封存有焊药是强度不足或断裂的主要原因。

    Flux entrapped in the joints is the principal cause of low strength or failure .

  8. 中国古焊药研究

    Study of Chinese ancient brazing flux

  9. 焊药是帮助焊接,提高焊接质量的药剂。

    Welding agent is a kind of medicament that is used to help welding , and improve quality .

  10. 因此,断裂可能是由于从塞焊焊缝内的焊渣和气孔外形成的尖锐的疲劳裂纹而产生的。裂缝中封存有焊药是强度不足或断裂的主要原因。

    Thus the fracture likely initiated from fatigue sharpened cracks originating from slag and void in the plug welds . Flux entrapped in the joints is the principal cause of low strength or failure .

  11. 超强清理氧化膜能力,清理宽度连续可调,焊缝光亮美观。裂缝中封存有焊药是强度不足或断裂的主要原因。

    With fine ability to clear off oxidation film , The width of clearing film can be adjusted continuously to make out good-looking welding seam . Flux entrapped in the joints is the principal cause of low strength or failure .