
fēnɡ huǒ tái
  • beacon tower
烽火台 [fēng huǒ tái]
  • [beacon tower] 古时用于点燃烟火传递重要消息的高台

  1. 还要沿着长城爬很长一段路,才能爬到顶峰的烽火台。

    It was a long pull along the Great Wall to the beacon tower on the peak .

  2. 形似两只相握的手,表达出共同建立出美好明天的信念;又似城墙的烽火台,向两边无尽延长,寓意公司一定光辉的远景。

    Similar to two hands held , express the faith of creating bright tomorrow together ; also like the beacon tower of the city wall , extending to both sides endlessly , imply companys brilliant future .

  3. 始兴县烽火台探索

    The Initial Exploration of Beacon Towers in Shixing County

  4. 这些烽火台通过狼烟来发出入侵的信号。

    These towers communicated by smoke to signal invasion .

  5. 生产平台,包括采油平台、处理平台、生活平台和烽火台;

    Production platforms , including recovery platforms , treating platforms , living platforms and beacon towers ;

  6. 长城由三部分构成:军事关卡,城墙和烽火台。

    It consisits of three parts : the military passes , the walls and the beacon towers .

  7. 论文首先简述了通信发展的历史沿革,从烽火台到现代卫星通信。

    Firstly , the paper narrates the evolution of communication : from balefire plat to modern satellite communications .

  8. 沿城墙每隔几百米就有一个烽火台,过去常有士兵驻守。

    Every few hundred meters along the wall there are watchtowns , where soldiers used to keep watch .

  9. 这个传递信息的过程由相邻两个山头上的烽火台组成,可以互相看到对方。

    This consisted of beacon towers on the Wall itself and on mountain tops within sight of the Wall .

  10. 一个陌生的中国老妇人把头探出烽火台,示意我走上去。

    A strange older Chinese lady had poked her head out of the tower and was motioning me upward .

  11. 又似城墙的烽火台,向两边无尽延伸,寓意公司必定辉煌的远景。

    Also like the beacon tower of the city wall , extending to both sides endlessly , imply company 's brilliant future .

  12. 这个帖子还附有一张推土机停在受风化的烽火台下的照片,并呼吁网友谴责这种行为。

    The post called for people to condemn the act with a photo showing a bulldozer is standing under a weathered tower on the wall .

  13. 在敌人的方法,烟雾报警信号给从烽火台在白天和篝火这样做在夜间。

    At the approach of enemy troops , smoke signals gave the alarm from the beacon towers in the daytime and bonfire did this at night .

  14. 相信这个两全的方案,既可提供必需的图书馆扩建空间,又能确保烽火台在施工期间能够继续开放使用。

    This option will be able to balance the need to provide the necessary library space and to keep the Beacon open during the period of construction .

  15. 我们将很快制定一项计划,寻找一种合理的低成本方法来保护那些在今后几十年很可能会倒塌的烽火台。

    We will have a program soon to explore for good reasonably low cost way of saving towers which will probably collapse in the next few decades .

  16. 白羊峪段长城集水关、城堡、城墙、敌台、烽火台、墙台、谎城等于一地。

    Bothriochloa Tongkuangyu catchment clearance above the Great Wall , castles , city walls , the enemy units , beacon towers , wall units , equivalent to a city lied to .

  17. 位于西秀区的山脊上,有一个很大的烽火台。

    Located on the Xixiu Ridge ( the West Embroidery Ridge ) of the Lishan Mountain , the remains of the beacon tower of the Western Zhou Dynasty seem easy to identify .

  18. 比如为了传递军事情报,人们曾建立驿站靠人和马传递信息,也曾设立烽火台,利用火和烟传递信息。

    For example , people ever built dak using horse and manpower to impart information , and even built tower of war flame using fire and smoke impart information to impart military intelligence .

  19. 我们现在所知的长城指的是14世纪明朝所修建的“明朝长城”,其高度从15至30英尺(约4.5~9.1米)不等,每隔几百英尺就有一座烽火台。

    The wall that everyone knows was built in the 14th century during the Ming Dynasty and is an imposing structure ranging from 15 to 30 feet high , with guard towers spaced every few hundred feet .