
rè mén ɡǔ piào
  • glamour stock;active/bluechip stock
  1. 约翰专门购买由传媒、娱乐公司发行的热门股票。

    John ecializes in buying glamour stock , particular in media , and entertainment companies .

  2. 证券市场中的反向策略是指购买价格被低估的“价值股票”和抛售价格被高估的“热门股票”。

    The Contrarian Strategy implies buying the " value stock " which is priced too low and selling the " glamour stock " which is priced too high .

  3. 对理智的投资者来说,这些热门股票什么时候会变成烫手的山芋?

    When does a hot stock become too hot for sane investors to touch ?

  4. 研究者让分到这个投资组合的神秘顾客请理财顾问推荐更多热门股票。

    Mystery shoppers with this portfolio were instructed to ask the financial adviser to recommend further hot stocks .

  5. 我想,一个理由在於,稳健的投资在别人卖出时买进、长期持有、避开热门股票需要有超出大多数人的胆色。

    One reason , I think , is that sound investing buying when others are selling , holding for the long term , avoiding the hot stocks requires a stronger stomach than most people have .

  6. 这笔钱,已经被那位前同事全部投入了热门股票之中,毕竟现在中国的股票市场正处于前所未有的牛市增长期。而此时这位记者还尚未得到一分钱。

    The money was reported by the former colleague to have been entirely used to " stir-fry " stocks , with the Chinese stock market in an unprecedented bull run , and nothing went to the reporter .

  7. 中国警方拘捕了网上热门股票博客的博主王秀杰,此举可能对中国扩散的、不受监管的投资咨询公司和地下对冲基金造成威胁。

    China 's proliferation of unregulated investment advice companies and private hedge funds could be under threat after the arrest of a blogger whose online stock tips made his site one of the country 's most popular .

  8. 一种可靠的投资是买值钱而热门的股票,或者更可靠的一种买安全的金边证券。

    A safe investment is blue chips or , better still , gilt - edged securities .

  9. 在中国股市去年崩盘之前,暴风科技曾是中国最热门的股票之一,其股价在截至2015年6月的三个月中上涨了33倍。

    Baofeng was one of China 's hottest stocks before the country 's markets crashed last year , with its share price rising 3300 per cent in the three months to June 2015 .

  10. 经纪公司也会时不时地在配置里加入某只热门的新上市股票,以此向投资者表明他的服务是物有所值。

    Every now and then the broker would serve up an allocation to a hot IPO to justify his services .