
  1. H∞扭振抑制控制器在热连轧机组上的应用

    H_ ∞ Vibration Suppression Controller in the Hot Continues Rolling Mill Machine

  2. 500mm热连轧机组离线压下规程优化设计

    Optimization Design of the Rolling Schedule on the 500 mm Hot Rolling Group

  3. 450mm热连轧机组轧制带钢拓宽分析

    The analysis of stripe widening for ■ 450mm hot continuous rolling mill

  4. 板带热连轧机组活套高度模糊控制

    Fuzzy Logic Control for the Loopers Height on Hot Strip Tandem Mill

  5. 带钢热连轧机组温度模型及其自学习方法

    Temperature Model of Hot Strip Finishing Mills in Tandem and Its Self-Learning Strategy

  6. 带钢热连轧机组负荷分配影响因素的研究

    Study on factors in scheduling of hot strip rolling

  7. 热连轧机组板形预设定策略与模型

    Shape preset strategy and model in hot strip mills

  8. 宽带钢热连轧机组润滑轧制技术研究

    Study on roll lubrication of hot strip mill

  9. 板带热连轧机组机架强度评价

    Strength Analysis of Hot Strip Mill Stands

  10. 热连轧机组带钢厚度与轧制力的变刚度法智能纠偏系统

    Intelligent correction system of strip thickness and rolling force deviation using method of changing mill stiffness

  11. 宽带钢热连轧机组的板形方程

    Shape Equation of Hot Strip Mills

  12. 热连轧机组工作辊轴承严重烧损的故障诊断研究

    Fault Diagnosis and Research on the damage of Working Roll Bearings of the Hot Continuous Rolling Mill

  13. 简要介绍现代热连轧机组中辊道的结构组成及特点。

    The article presents the features of the roller tables installed in HSM in terms of the construction and composition .

  14. 近年来,随着铝加工行业的飞速发展,热连轧机组已经广泛的应用到我国铝加工企业中。

    Recently , with the development of aluminum processing industry , hot tandem rolling mill will be used in the aluminum processing industry more and more .

  15. 攀枝花新钢钒股份有限公司热轧板厂1450热连轧机组于1993年投产,是攀钢重要的板材加工厂。

    The1450 Hot Strip Mill of Panzhihua New Steel & Vanadium Limited Company has built in1993 , it is the important plates processing mill of PanGang .

  16. 介绍了日本川崎钢铁公司千叶钢铁厂第3号带钢热连轧机组的设备组成,采用的先进工艺和典型产品等。

    The composition of units , adopted advanced technologies and typical products of No 3 hot strip rolling mill in Chiba Works of Kawasaki Steel are introduced .

  17. 主要介绍基于现场总线的分布式热连轧机组运行状态监测和故障诊断系统的硬件系统配置、软件系统功能及具体实现方法。

    The hardware configuration and functions of software system as well as concrete implementation of distributed operational status supervisory and fault diagnostic system for continuous hot rolling mills are introduced .

  18. 热连轧机组中的精轧机的轧制规程设定计算是带钢连轧制操作中最基本的工作,而连轧机组轧制规程设定计算的中心问题是合理确定各机架的压下负荷分配。

    Set-up calculation of Hot Strip Mills ( HSM ) is the basic work of the continuous rolling operation and the most important problem of it is how to make the value of press load distribution of each step .

  19. 为优化某厂热连轧机组各架轧机负荷分配、降低设备事故率、提高产品产量和质量,必须掌握各架轧机主传动系统的承载能力。

    To optimize the load distribution of each rolling mill of some factory , reduce the accident rate of machinery breakage and promote the quality and quantity of production , the carrying capacity of the main transmission system of the rolling mill must be accurately calculated .

  20. 热连轧精轧机组负荷分配设定中的PSO算法应用研究

    Research of PSO Application in the Scheduling Finishing of Hot Strip Mills

  21. 针对CVC热连轧精轧机组板形计算问题,采用影响函数法开发了计算热连轧机轧后板断面厚度分布的软件。

    As to the flatness calculating of CVC mill , a software is developed to predict the strip thickness distribution after rolling by using the influence function method .

  22. 2050热连轧精轧机组PFC磨损预报与实测的对比分析

    Comparative analysis on predicted and measured wearings of PFC at finishing rolling train of 2050 hot rolling mill

  23. 带钢热连轧精轧机组穿带后的头部厚度精度&头部命中率将直接影响绝对AGC的工作,其重要手段是靠提高设定模型精度、模型自学习的收敛速度。

    It is necessary to hit accurately the head of the strip for applying absolute AGC in hot rolling mill , important means are to improve accuracy of set-up model and convergence of self-learning model .

  24. 900mm中宽带热连轧精轧机组温降模型研究

    Temperature dropping model research for 900 mm medium-wide strip hot continuous rolling finishing set

  25. 热连轧粗轧机组负荷分配试验研究

    Experiment Research on Load Distribution of Hot Strip Mill Roughing Mill

  26. 神经元网络在热连轧精轧机组轧制力预报的应用

    Application of neural network to predicting rolling force for the finisher

  27. 宽带钢热连轧精轧机组板形控制仿真系统

    Simulation System of Flatness control for Hot Rolling Wide Strip Mills

  28. 热连轧精轧机组轧制负荷分析

    Analysis of Rolling Load for Finishing Trains of Continuous Hot-strip Mills

  29. 热连轧精轧机组轧制规程的计算机辅助分析

    Computer Aided Analysis of Rolling Schedule of Finishers of Hot Continuous Rolling

  30. 热连轧精轧机组温度模型的改进

    Improvement of the Temperature Model for a Finishing Mill Group in Hot Rolling