
  • 网络Thermal switch;Hot Switch;hot switching
  1. 低温气隙式热开关的研制

    The development of a cryogenic gas-gap type thermal switch

  2. 本文介绍了一种新型的低温气隙式热开关的工作原理、结构和设计方法。

    In this paper the fundamental of the working process of a cryogenic gas-gap type thermal switch , its construction principle and the method to design it arc in-traduced .

  3. 提出了一种可应用于钍基先进CANDU型反应堆(TACR:Thorium-basedAdvancedCANDUReactor)压力管与排管间的非能动热开关设计方案。

    The paper presents a design of passive heat-switch between pressure tube and calandria tube of Thorium-based Advanced CANDU Reactor ( TACR ) .

  4. 基于热胀冷缩原理的TACR压力管与排管间非能动热开关设计

    Design of Passive Heat-Switch between Pressure Tube and Calandria Tube Based on the Principle of Metal Expand on Heating and Contract on Cooling of TACR

  5. 气隙式热开关传热特性研究

    Theoretical analysis of heat transfer characteristics of gas gap heat switch

  6. 空间双驱动微型热开关技术研究

    Study of a subminiature heat switch for space with two driven devices

  7. 建立了该种热开关传热的理论模型。

    A theoretical heat transfer model is built for this kind of switch .

  8. 本文介绍了一种新型低温热开关的工作原理。

    The principle of a new kind of gas-gap switch is presented in this paper .

  9. 钍基先进核能系统压力管与排管之间的非能动热开关设计

    Design of Passive Heat-switch between Pressure Tube and Calandria Tube of Thorium-based Advanced Nuclear Energy System

  10. 论述了气隙式热开关的原理、结构形式及参数特性,讨论了它的结构尺寸对性能参数的影响。

    This paper represents the principle , structure and characteristics of the gas gap heat switch . The influences of structure dimension on the performance parameters of heat switch have been discussed .

  11. 因此,自旋交叉配合物是开发新型的热开关、光开关和信息存储元件材料的理想分子体系。

    Therefore , spin crossover complexes are an ideal molecular system in which a single molecule or molecular aggregation acts as an element of thermal switch , optical switch or information memory .

  12. 用GAL实现双机热备份开关量输出系统

    Realization of switch signal output system with gal

  13. 电机线圈内的热控开关用于过热保护

    Thermal switches in motor windings for over-temperature protection

  14. 可以广泛的运用到非致冷红外探测器、热致开关、光电开关、光存储等方面。

    It can be widely used in uncooled infrared detector , thermalchomic switches , photoelectric switches , optical storage and so on .

  15. 在分析左右手复合传输线结构特性和微机电系统(Micro-Electro-MechanicalSystems,MEMS)技术基础上,设计分析了耦合蛇形线结构和横向热驱动MEMS开关。

    Coupled meander lines and thermal driven lateral MEMS switch were designed , based on the analysis of composite left / right handed transmission line ( CRLH TL ) structure and Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems ( MEMS ) technology .

  16. 高平均功率热补偿电光开关

    High Average Power Electro - optical Switches with Thermal Compensation

  17. GB/T14280-1993热时间延迟开关总规范

    " Thermal time delay switch , Generic specification of "

  18. 独立加热法-热时间延迟开关用为了熔化进料,可用射频(感应加热)或电阻加热法。

    Independent heating To melt the charge , radio frequency ( induction heating ) or resistance heating have been used .

  19. 指出电子俘获击穿机制与热击穿是开关击穿的主要原因。

    Firstly it is shown that the thermal breakdown and electron-trapping breakdown theories are the main reason causing the breakdown of PCSS .

  20. 热控式超导开关的研制及其闭环过程的研究

    Development of the thermal superconducting switch and Research on its closing process

  21. 快速反应的热控式超导开关研究

    The research on fast thermally controlled superconducting swith

  22. 开关电源的热设计对于提高开关电源可靠性和寿命具有重要的作用。

    The thermal design of SMPS is very significant to the reliability and lifespan of SMPS .

  23. 通过对开关的动热稳定性分析,开关采用多断口并联结构能够满足关合状态下稳定运行的需要。

    Through the dynamic and thermal stability analysis , the structure of many breaks in parallel can satisfy the stably running demand in closing state .

  24. 介绍了水处理系统中热扩散式液位开关的原理及应用,分析了热扩散式液位开关的优点。

    The principle and application of the thermal diffusion liquid level switch in water disposal system are introduced ; moreover , its virtues are analyzed .

  25. 电子俘获击穿机制是导致热击穿的主要原因,而热击穿是导致开关彻底失效的根本因素。

    The electron-trapping breakdown is the main reason accelerating the thermal breakdown , and the thermal breakdown is the fundamentality factor of the breakdown of PCSS .