
  • 网络substation;heating station
  1. 在对热力站供热过程进行分析之后,介绍了基本GPC算法,给出了基本GPC算法的IMC结构。

    First , after analyzing heat supply process of consumer substation , it introduces fundamental generalized predictive control ( GPC ) . IMC structure of fundamental GPC algorithm is given .

  2. 热力站耗热指标测算及节能潜力分析

    Calculating of Heat Consumption Index and Analysis of Energy Saving on Substation

  3. 热力站可编程PC的运作原理与应用

    Operation Principles and Applications of Programmable PC in Thermodynamic Station

  4. 基于PSTN的热力站远程数据采集系统

    The Monitoring System Based on PSTN for Heating Power Stations

  5. 并进一步讨论了广义预测控制(GPC)算法,将之应用到热力站供热过程的数学模型中。

    Basing on the prediction ability of GPC , the supplying process of thermal consumer can be controlled well .

  6. 介绍了小区热力站的虚拟仪器平台,运用LabView开发热力站实时监控系统,初步实现热力系统的自控和故障诊断中。

    The paper deals with the virtual instrument platform of heating station and the preliminary realization of automatic control fault diagnosis for heating system by the applying Lab VIEW to design real-time monitoring control system .

  7. 本课题针对热力站管理运行特点,研制成功基于PSTN公用电话网的分布式计算机远程监测系统。

    Now we have researched and developed a distributed computer monitoring system based on PSTN for heating power stations in this graduate program .

  8. 基于M-Bus总线的热力站监测系统

    The monitoring system base on Meter - Bus

  9. 本文结合秦皇岛市某民用热力站的供热实际情况,在深入分析其供热特点的基础上,提出了利用BP神经网络进行热力站供热负荷的预测。

    For fulfilling such prediction , the use of BP neural network ( NN ) is applied to predict the heat burden of a heat substation in Qinhuangdao City , based on deep analysis of heat supplying characteristic .

  10. 本文以热力站板式换热器机组为研究对象,提出并研究了虚拟现实(VR)技术在供热系统仿真应用中的结构方案。

    This paper uses the plate heat exchanger unit as research object , brings forward and studies the structure blue print of VR used in the heating system simulation .

  11. 最后,将GPC隐式自适应算法应用于集中供热热力站供热过程控制,通过仿真证明了所提出的GPC隐式自适应算法的有效和可行性。

    Finally , GPC implicit adaptive algorithm is applied for heating process control of consumer substation of district heating . Simulation results prove the proposed scheme is effective and feasible .

  12. 本文概述了基于M-Bus总线的热力站监测系统,并介绍了MBUS仪表总线协议以及应用串口读取m-bus总线内容的方法。

    Summarize that the monitoring system of station base on the M-bus , introduce the protocol of Meter Bus and the way that using Serial port to read the data of M-bus .

  13. 热力站能量控制系统技术经济分析

    Economic and technological analysis of energy management system in heating station

  14. 基于虚拟仪器系统的热力站监控平台

    Heating Station Monitoring and Control Platform Based on Virtual Instrument System

  15. 青源热力站及供热管网改造设计

    Reform design of Qingyuan heat exchanger station and heating network

  16. 集中供热热力站温度控制系统的仿真

    Collecting Heat Supply Thermal Power Station Temperature Control System Imitation

  17. 混水热力站热力工况分析及混水量计算

    Operating condition and water mixing ratio of district heating station

  18. 无人值守热力站计算机监控系统

    Computerized Supervisory System of " Unmanned On Duty " Heating Power Station

  19. 热力站热交换器仿真与控制

    Heat exchanger simulation and control in heat power station

  20. 热力站智能调节器设计

    Design of Intelligent Controller Used in Thermal Power Station

  21. 换热器动态特性及热力站能量控制系统研究

    Research of Heat-Exchanging Equipment 's Dynamic Character and Energy Regulating and Controlling System

  22. 智能热力站嵌入式分布测控系统的研究

    Study on Intelligent Embedded Distributed Measurement and Control System for Heat Supply Station

  23. 工业锅炉房和热力站的膨胀型贮存

    Expansion-type storage in Industry Boiler Rooms and Heating Stations

  24. 计算机虚拟监测技术在热力站的应用

    Application of Computer Virtual Monitoring Technology to Heating Station

  25. 板式换热器热力站变流量供热系统调节方式

    Regulation Mode of Variable Flow Heat-supply System in Substation Using Plate Heat Exchangers

  26. 控制中心监控所有热力站,维护运行档案;

    The control center monitors all stations and maintains operation data integrity for management .

  27. 热力站控制系统的设计思想

    The design of control system in heat station

  28. 热力站供热过程建模研究

    Modeling of heating process at thermal consumer substation

  29. 热力站循环水泵电机过载的分析

    Analysis of Circulation Pump Electromotor Overload in Substation

  30. 热力站热水循环水泵的选型因素及其调节方式

    Model-selection Factors and Adjusting Methods of the Hot-water Circulating Pump of the Heat-supply Station