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  1. 耦合间歇通风的烘焙法去除室内有毒有害气体的研究

    Study on Bake out Method Coupled with Intermittent Ventilation for Removing Indoor Noxious Gas

  2. 用微波烘焙法也会发生这种情况,所以,不要忘记叉一些孔。

    This can also happen with the micro baker , so , don 't forget those fork holes .

  3. 本研究中首先探讨了传统烘焙法在我国应用的可能性,并在此基础之上,提出了耦合间歇通风的新型烘焙法。

    On the basis of traditional bake out , bake-out method combining conventional bake-out with intermittent mechanical ventilation has been brought forward in this paper .

  4. 在钼酸铵存在下,采用固相烘焙法,2,3-吡啶二甲酸和3,4-吡啶二甲酸分别与尿素和氯化亚铜作用得到了氮杂铜酞菁。

    Aza-copper phthalocyanine could be obtained by baking of pyridine-2,3-dicarboxylic acid or pyridine-3 , 4-dicarboxylic acid separately with urea and cuprous chloride in the presence of ammonium molybdate .

  5. 本文分别用微波烘焙法、冷冻微波烘焙法等四种方法对花生深加工中去种皮工艺进行了研究,并对四种去皮方法进行比较。

    The peeling technology of peanut was studied by means of microwave baking or freeze-microwave baking in this paper . Four kinds of ringing technology of peanut were compared .

  6. 本文按照试验流程对室内甲醛和苯系物的浓度变化及浓度减少率进行了分析计算,最终得出新型烘焙法和传统烘焙法在去除污染物治理有效性方面的结论。

    This paper analyzes formaldehyde , benzene , toluene , xylene concentration change and decrease ratio in all experimental course , and finally makes conclusion for removal efficiency of new bake out and traditional bake out .

  7. 利用液相烘焙磺化法,以对硝基甲苯为原料,在溶剂汽油和石油醚混合型溶剂中用浓硫酸磺化合成对硝基甲苯邻磺酸。

    Para - nitrotoluene - ortho - sulphonic acid was synthesized from para - nitrotoluene and concentrated sulfuric acid as raw material in the mixed solvents comprising naphtha solvent and petroleum ether by liquid phase sulfonation method .

  8. GB/T14612-1993小麦粉面包烘焙品质试验法中种发酵法

    Bread baking quality of wheat flour & Sponge dough method

  9. 专业的咖啡一般都实行小批量的烘焙。最常见的烘焙方法有:鼓室烘焙法和热空气烘焙法。

    Specialty coffees are generally roasted in small batches . The two most common roasting methods are : drum-roasting and hot-air roasting .

  10. 华盛顿州温哥华市(Vancouver)ChoffyLLC公司的共同创始人詹森·舍伍德(JasonSherwood)表示,该公司出产的Choffy像烘焙咖啡一样,将100%的纯可可研磨成粉,烘焙出好味道——还是美妙的法式烘焙法。

    To drink your flavanols , Choffy is specially milled 100 % cocoa and roasted to taste good when brewed like coffee ─ ideally in a French press , says Jason Sherwood , co-founder of Choffy LLC , Vancouver , Wash .