
  • 网络moneyball
  1. 这位《搏击俱乐部》和《点球成金》的男主角曾打扮成鸡妈妈为ElPolloLoco(西班牙语:疯狂烤鸡)店招揽顾客。

    The " Fight Club " and " Moneyball " actor used to don a chicken suit for the El Pollo Loco chicken restaurant franchise .

  2. 为什么棒球队会因使用点球成金的方法而打赢比赛。

    and it 's why all these baseball teams use moneyball to win games .

  3. 总之,我想在刑事司法上做到点球成金。

    In short , I wanted to moneyball criminal justice .

  4. 为这我写了一本书叫《点球成金》

    I wrote a book about this , called Moneyball

  5. 布拉德·皮特的新片《点球成金》揭露了美国职业棒球大联盟中的不公平现象。

    Brad Pitt 's new movie Moneyball exposes the unfairness in Major League Baseball .

  6. 我称之为点球成金式刑事司法。

    I call it moneyballing criminal justice .

  7. 《点球成金》这个故事具有实际意义

    The Moneyball story has practical implications

  8. 正如大家所知,点球成金,是奥克兰运动家棒球队的方法,

    Now , moneyball , as many of you know , is what the Oakland A 's did ,

  9. 这就是为什么数据成就了谷歌,为什么棒球队会因使用点球成金的方法而打赢比赛。

    It 's why Google is Google , and it 's why all these baseball teams use moneyball to win games .

  10. 索尔金于2011年因《社交网络》获奥斯卡最佳改编剧本奖,并于2012年因《点球成金》获得奥斯卡最佳改编剧本提名。

    Sorkin won a best adapted screenplay Oscar for his work on The Social Network in 2011 , and was nominated for a best writing Oscar in 2012 for Moneyball .

  11. 据称,出演《点球成金》的皮特在带娃方面让朱莉“极为不满”,因此朱莉决定终止俩人的婚姻,并要求对孩子们拥有共同法律监护权而非共同抚养权。

    She is said to have decided to end their marriage because she was " extremely upset " with the way the ' Moneyball ' star has been parenting the kids and so decided to seek joint legal custody , but not joint physical custody .