
  • 网络Fire Load
  1. 分析了相同及不同火灾荷载条件下试验箱顶棚温度的变化规律,比较了FDS数值模拟结果与实验测量值的差别。

    By analysis the change of the temperature rules about the top of the test chamber under the same and different fire load conditions , the paper compared FDS numerical simulation results with the experimental value .

  2. 建筑中活动式火灾荷载确定的理论方法研究

    The Theoretical Study of Active Fire Load Determination in Construction

  3. 明显你有火灾荷载问题,特别是在中断供应。

    And obviously you have fire loading issues , especially during outages .

  4. 建筑物火灾荷载密度的确定方法和应用

    The definition and application of the building fire-loads density

  5. 高校学生宿舍火灾荷载概率模型研究

    Probability model of university dormitories ' fire load

  6. 常用建筑材料及家具的热值及其火灾荷载密度的确定

    Heat Value of Commonly-used Building Materials and Furniture and Calculation of Fire Load Density

  7. 对活动火灾荷载的讨论

    Discussion on the unfixed fire - loads

  8. 河南省普通小型住宅卧室活动火灾荷载调查与统计

    Survey and statistical analysis of live fire loads of small residential building bedrooms in Henan province

  9. 同时,地下商业建筑的火灾荷载大,且地下商业建筑的防火救火工作具有相当大的困难。

    The fire load of underground commercial building is very large and controlling fire is difficult .

  10. 针对不同的火灾荷载,研究了临界风速随火灾强度的变化关系。

    According to different fire loads , studies the changing relation between the critical velocity and fire intensity .

  11. 火灾荷载、通风系数对钢筋混凝土轴心受压柱耐火稳定性的影响

    The Effect of Fire Load and Ventilation Factors on the Fire Stability of the Axial-compression Column of Reinforced Concrete

  12. 在标准房间,火灾荷载及排烟送风对轰燃影响的研究

    Study on the Influence of Fire Load and Smoke Exhaust and Air Supply on the Flashover in the Standard Room

  13. 根据可燃物的火灾荷载密度和装饰材料的燃烧性能确定火灾增长系数的值。

    And based on the fire load density of the combustible and combustibility of decoration material , calculate the value of fire increasing modulus .

  14. 结果表明,柱所处房间的火灾荷载、通风系数对其耐火稳定性影响很大。

    The result shows that the fire stability of the column is strongly influenced by the fire load and ventilation factors of the room .

  15. 某大型超市具有人员活动集中、火灾荷载密度较大以及疏散距离超长等特点,超出现有建筑防火规范要求,给判断是否安全带来不确定性。

    Evacuation is quite difficult for a large supermarket under a fire case because of large population , big fire density and long evacuation distance .

  16. 由于这类建筑具有楼层多、功能复杂、人员密集、火灾荷载大,且走廊疏散通道狭长等特点,火灾危险性很大。

    As these buildings have some features about multi-storey , functional complex , manpower-intensive , multi-fire load and long - narrow corridors , the fire risk is high .

  17. 得出结论:升温时间比、火灾荷载比、截面边长以及长细比是影响火灾全过程作用后圆钢管混凝土柱剩余承载力的主要影响参数。

    It was found that , in general , ascending time ratio , fire load ratio , cross-section dimension and slenderness ratio have a significant influence on residual strength .

  18. 此外,本文还提出了材料的阻燃特性参数、有效火灾荷载和热释放速率当量系数的概念,使轰燃的预测和控制的计算及评估方法进一步简化,以便于在实际工程中应用。

    In addition , this article also proposes the concept of fire retardant characteristic parameter of materials , the effective fire load , as well as the equalized coefficient of HRR .

  19. 对参数化模型输入参数进行了分析,提出了火灾荷载密度、开口因子和房间壁面的热惰性是火灾升温过程的主要随机性参数,建立了这些参数的概率模型。

    Based on the analysis of the parameters , fire load density , ventilation factor and thermal absorptivity are deemed to be random parameters . Probability distribution models of these random parameters are established .

  20. 地下商场建筑结构特殊、人员密集、火灾荷载大,火灾风险性大,发生火灾时逃生和扑救难度大,为确保人员和财产安全,需要定期对其进行现状评价。

    Underground emporiums construction structure special , the fire risk is big , the difficulty of scapes and saves goal to be big , so it needs regularly to carry on the present situation evaluation .

  21. 建筑综合体内部功能和空间复杂,火灾荷载大,人员复杂,容易形成火灾,而且火灾发生后疏散不易,容易造成严重的人员伤亡和经济损失。

    The fires in Complex is prone to make tremendous economic lost and cause lots of death because of the huge interior space , large fire load , complicated candidate and the difficulty of egress .

  22. 针对典型的建筑单室结构及火灾荷载,通过对火灾过程多变量的分析,建立了可燃性固体水平表面火焰蔓延的三维动态数学模型。

    Aiming at the typical compartment and its fire load , and by analyzing multi-variable of fire process in it , this paper builds the three-dimension dynamic model of flame spread on horizontal surface of solid combustible .

  23. 给出等效火灾荷载的定义,提出简化计算的理论模型,对钢筋混凝土柱、梁以及简单框架进行等效火灾荷载的理论计算。同时也分析了影响等效火灾荷载和耐火极限的因素。

    Definition of equivalent fire load is given , the theoretical model for simplified calculation is deduced , the academic calculation of equivalent fire load for RC columns , beams and simple frame is carried out in this paper .

  24. 该方法从控制建筑物内火灾荷载的多少和建筑物的结构出发,在现行的计算软件的基础上,可用于实际的火灾安全工程设计和火灾安全咨询。

    According to building structure and control fire load value in building , this method is run on fire models . Because of its simplicity and easy operation , this method can help fire safety design and fire safety consulting .

  25. 该模型可以根据一定建筑构造内的活动火灾荷载分布,预测火灾发展过程中的火场参数(如火场边界、面积以及火灾释热率等),为火灾模化提供了新的火源设计类型

    Through founding the fire spreading model of continuous distributing laminal fuel , it can be used to forecast the fire parameter when fire spreading in some kind of construction area and provide a new fire design method for fire modeling

  26. 大型商业建筑人员集中程度大,而且具有火灾荷载大和起火因素较多的特点,一旦发生火灾,火灾及其烟气蔓延很快,容易造成严重的人员伤亡。

    If the large-scale commercial building breaks out a fire , the fire and the flue gas is rapidly extended to easily causing serious personal casualties because it has the characteristics of people concentration high , fire load big and more factors of build a fire .

  27. 可以看出,根据火灾荷载的计算和火灾蔓延可能性的讨论,得到火灾发展的变化情况和热释放速率曲线,能够为之后的工作做好前期准备,同时显著提高这项工作的效率。

    It can be seen that fire growth and heat release rate curve can be obtained through the calculation of fire load and the estimation of fire spread , which can provide the input for the latter work and enhance the efficiency of fire protection analysis observably .

  28. 火灾中均布荷载作用下钢筋混凝土方板的极限分析

    Limit analysis of square reinforced concrete slab under uniform loading in fire

  29. 其次,建立了常温下求解薄壁型钢-混凝土组合框架极限承载力非线性有限元模型,为火灾下施加静力荷载水平提供依据,有限元计算结果与文献试验结果吻合较好。

    Secondly , nonlinear finite element model was set up for calculating the ultimate capacity of TSCF , which provide basis for getting the level of load that bringing to bear on TSCF under fire , calculation results of the finite element fit well with the experimental results .

  30. 本论文以典型高速列车CRH1型为研究对象,通过实地调研和查阅相关文献确定高速列车火灾起因、特点及火灾荷载等。

    Determine the cause of the high-speed train fire , characteristics and fire load and so on through field research and accessing to relevant literature .