
  • stick figure;Matchstick Men;Match Man
  1. 这本书里包含了各种各样稀奇古怪的问题的回答。这些问题都是通过我的网站提交给我的,而在这个网站上--除了充当疯狂科学家的答疑解惑专栏之外--我还会画“xkcd”,一套火柴人风格的网络漫画。

    THIS BOOK IS A collection of answers to hypothetical questions . These questions were submitted to me through my website , where-in addition to serving as a sort of Dear Abby for mad scientists-I draw xkcd , a stick-figure webcomic .

  2. 游戏的人设非常简单,就是我们比较熟悉的火柴人了。

    Set up the game is very simple , is that we are more familiar with the match officials .

  3. 从飞船上下来之后,你要帮助火柴人度过一个个难关。

    From the spacecraft down , you have to help people to get through one match a difficult time .

  4. 凯奇是一个火柴人,他靠这个职业过日子,他患有强迫症,不能见阳光。

    Cage is a match , he live by the profession , he was suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder , can not see the sun .

  5. 老人点燃了一根火柴,对年轻人说:"在火柴熄灭之前,在房子里随便挑点什么。"

    The old man lit a match and said to the young man , " Before the match goes out , pick something in the house as you like . "

  6. 祥子拿着两包火柴,进了人和厂。

    Xiangzi came into harmony yard , his two boxes of matches in his hand .

  7. 如果我们能获得一根火柴,我们大多数人都有足够的爆炸物。

    There is explosive material enough in most of us if we can only reach it .

  8. 声音3:“卖火柴了!用我的火柴点燃你的炉火!先生,您想买些火柴吗?女士,您呢?这些是最好的火柴!在任何墙上都能点燃!肯定有人需要火柴,有人买吗?”

    Voice 3 : " Matches ! Light your fires with my matches ! Would you like to buy some matches sir ? What about you madam ? They are the best kind ! Strike them against any wall ! They will burn ! Someone must want some matches - anyone ? "