
  • 网络Fire control radar;FCR
  1. 基于GPS技术的火控雷达基准测量系统

    Reference Measuring System of Fire Control Radar Based on GPS Technique

  2. 火控雷达BIT设计研究

    The Research BIT Design of Fire Control Radar

  3. 火控雷达BIT设计与实现

    BIT Design and Realization of Control Radar

  4. 基于DSP的便携式火控雷达信号模拟器设计

    Design of a Portable Fire Control Radar Echo Simulator Based on DSP

  5. 基于Matlab的火控雷达噪声压制性干扰仿真研究

    Research on Emulation of Noise Suppressive Jamming to Fire Control Radar Based on Matlab

  6. 机载PD火控雷达作战效能分析

    Analysis of Fighting Effectiveness for Airborne PD Fire-Control Radar

  7. 论现代机载PD火控雷达技术

    Modern Airborne PD Fire-control Radar Technology

  8. ADC模型在火控雷达作战效能分析中的应用

    ADC Model 's Application in the Combat Efficiency Analysis of Fire Control Radar

  9. 本文介绍了Kalman滤波器应用于机载火控雷达跟踪系统中的理论问题与仿真结果。

    An application of the Kalman filtering theory and simulation results with computer are developed in tracking system of airborne firecontrol radar .

  10. 用RS-232实现火控雷达天线的测控

    Realization of the Measurement and Control for Fire-Control Radar Antenna by Means of RS-232

  11. 1553B总线在机载火控雷达系统中的设计途径

    Design Method of 1553B Bus in Airborne Fire Control Radar Systems

  12. 提出了火控雷达对抗ARM的措施和发展趋势。特别强调用新技术研制各种新体制雷达来对抗ARM问题。

    The methods and developmental trend of fire-control radar antagonizing to ARM are presented , The application of new technology to developing new kinds of radar systems in order to deal with ARM is special - ly emphasised .

  13. 利用高速DSP芯片TMS320C25乘加流水线及块操作指令提高机载PD火控雷达四维跟踪系统数据处理速度。

    Utilization of the multiply / accumulate pipeline and block move instructions is shown to improve data processing speed in an airborne PD fire controlled Radar 4 dimension tracking system .

  14. 基于Delphi的火控雷达终端模拟系统,用于雷达平面显示器、目标、目标捕获、杂波等模拟。

    The simulation system of fire control radar terminal was based on Delphi . It was used to simulate the radar plane display , the object , object capture , clutter and so on .

  15. 新一代高性能战斗机采用了机载有源相控阵火控雷达,由于大量采用X波段收/发(T/R)组件,对供电电源系统和阵面冷却等都提出了新的要求。

    The new generation of high performance fighter employs the airborne active phased array fire-control radar . The use of a large number of X-band T / R modules gives a challenge to some units , such as the power supply , surface cooling , etc.

  16. APG-68火控雷达天线的复合材料设计

    Composite Materials Design for the APG-68 Fire Control Radar Antenna

  17. 中国仍然正在尝试为J-11生产更多的本国组件,包括火控雷达、发动机和后备件。

    China is still attempting to produce more indigenous elements for the J-11 , including the fire-control radar , power plant and spare parts .

  18. 从协议芯片的选型和总线设计的角度对其进行了探讨,并简要地介绍了1553B总线首次在我国机载火控雷达系统中的应用情况。

    In this paper , the 1553B bus is discussed in aspect of chip selection and bus design , and brief introduction to the first application of the 1553B bus in the airborne fire control radar system of our country .

  19. TWS(边扫描边跟踪)技术在我国机载火控雷达中的应用尚属首次,而数字跟踪滤波器是TWS技术中的重要组成部分。

    It is the first time for TWS ( track-while-scan ) technology to be applied to the airborne fire control radar in China . The digital tracking filter is one of the most important parts of it .

  20. 分析了机载火控雷达检测地面慢速目标的特点,提出了一种非自适应的干涉对消法与自适应的AMTI方法相结合的检测方法。

    The features of detection of slowly moving ground targets by means of the airborne firecontrol radar are analyzed , and a moving targets detection algorithm combining unadaptive interferometer cancellation algorithm with adaptive moving target indication is presented .

  21. 火控雷达操作手训练仿真系统的研究与设计

    The Research and Design on Fire-controlled Radar Operator Training Simulation System

  22. 机载火控雷达天线方向图的设计与仿真

    Design and Simulation about Antenna Direction Chart of Airborne Fire-control Radar

  23. 近程高炮火控雷达设计定型跟踪精度试验技术研究

    Study on the Testing Technology of Firecontrol Radar for Tracking Precision

  24. 某型火控雷达仿真系统的设计与实现

    Design and realization of a new fire control radar simulation system

  25. 火控雷达诱饵系统角度自动控制

    Automatic Control on Angle for Bait System of Fire Control Radar

  26. 国外武装直升机火控雷达发展综述

    An Overview of the Development of Fire-control Radar for Attack Helicopters

  27. 火控雷达温度监测仪的设计与实现

    Design and Implement of Temperature Monitoring Instrument for Firepower Control Radar

  28. 数据处理机是机载火控雷达的控制核心,它的性能直接影响到雷达的水准。

    Data processor is the kernel of airborne fire control radar .

  29. 机载火控雷达斜视实时成像处理器

    Real-time imaging processor of high squint in airborne fire control radar

  30. 火控雷达的仿真目标建模及实现

    A Modelling and Realisation of Simulated Target of Fire Control Radar