
  • 网络Fertigation
  1. 灌溉施肥是将施肥与现代灌溉系统结合起来的一种施肥新技术。

    Fertigation is a new technology combining fertilization with morden irrigation systemlly .

  2. 尿素和硝酸铵溶液是最常用的灌溉施肥氮肥品种。

    Urea and ammonium nitrate solutions are most commonly used for N fertigation .

  3. 作物灌溉施肥控制系统中的PH调节是一项复杂的综合技术。

    The PH regulating is a complicated and colligated technology in the control system of the crop irrigating and fertilization .

  4. 本论文的研究,为开发以FMP为主要磷源的灌溉施肥专用复合肥料技术提供了理论依据。

    This thesis provides a theoretical base for the developing of the technology for fertigation using Calcium-Magnesium Phosphate ( FMP ) .

  5. 不同灌溉施肥方式下尿素态氮在土壤中迁移转化特性的研究

    Leaching and transforming characteristics of urea-N added by different ways of fertigation

  6. 触摸屏在设施农业灌溉施肥智能化中的应用

    Application of Touch-screen in the Facility Agriculture Intelligent Fertigation

  7. 灌溉施肥条件下田间氮素在土壤中迁移情况的研究

    Transfer of Field Nitrogen in Soil under the Condition of Fertilization in Irrigation

  8. 他们犹如撒进好土的种子,灌溉施肥。

    They are like seeds planted in good earth , watered and fertilized .

  9. 水质是灌溉施肥成功的关键方面,必须予以重视。

    Water quality is a key component of successful fertigation and necessitates careful attention .

  10. 灌溉施肥对棉花产量及用水效率影响的研究

    Study on impacts of irrigation and fertilization on cotton yield and water use efficiency

  11. 灌溉施肥的研究和应用

    Study on the fertigation and its application

  12. 交替灌溉施肥对夏玉米土壤氨挥发的影响

    Effect of alternative irrigation and fertilization on soil ammonia volatilization of summer maize gravity check irrigation

  13. 灌溉施肥对冬小麦土壤氮素盈亏的影响

    Effect of N Fertilizer and Irrigation on Apparent Budget of Soil N in Winter Wheat in Anthrosol

  14. 膜下灌溉施肥技术,可按照作物生长需求,进行全生育期需求设计,把水分和养分定量、定时,按比例直接提供给作物。

    Drip irrigation under mulch can provide water and nutrient timing , quantitative proportional referring to crop growth demands .

  15. 摘要本文论述了近代灌溉施肥的原理、管理及应用等方面的研究进展。

    In this paper , recent research pregress on the principle , management and application of Fertigation was discussed .

  16. 农田中施用农家肥补充(土壤)养分或有机肥。有些地区使用污水处理厂排放的污水进行灌溉施肥。

    Effluents from sewage disposal plants are used in some areas both for irrigation and for the nutrients contained .

  17. 近年来我市从以色列、荷兰等国家引进了了温室灌溉施肥计算机控制系统,通过应用,取得了较好的使用效果。

    The crops control systems in the irrigating and fertilization are imported in Tianjin in recent years and they have achieved better effects .

  18. 并初步讨论了滴灌条件下不同灌溉施肥时段对尿素转化运移规律的影响。

    Besides , we discussed the effects of different fertilization period on the principles of Urea-N transformation and transport under drip-irrigation in this paper .

  19. 在实时自动灌溉施肥系统中,混肥装置的设计是混肥精度控制的关键。

    In real time automatism irrigation fertilization system , the design of mixing fertilizer device is the key of precision control of mixing fertilization .

  20. 当今农业地区灌溉施肥引起氮素对地下水的污染已成为人们普遍关注的环境问题。

    At present , nitrogen pollution in the groundwater caused by fertilizer irrigation in the agricultural area has become an environmental problem of interest to the people .

  21. 计算结果表明,唐山农业区灌溉施肥引起根区以下硝态氮渗漏损失可造成浅层地下水的污染。

    The results indicate that the nitrate-N leakage loss under the root zone caused by fertilizer irrigation could creat the pollution of shallow groundwater in Tangshan agricultural area .

  22. 长期灌溉施肥对半干旱区褐土氮、磷和钾库的影响Ⅰ.对褐土农田土壤氮库的影响

    Effect of long-term irrigation and fertilization on nitrogen , phosphorous , and potassium pools of cinnamon soil in semi-arid area I.Effect on nitrogen pool of cinnamon soil farmland

  23. 四种灌溉施肥策略下,湿润体内部的硝态氮含量均低于本底值,主要累积在湿润锋边缘。

    Four irrigation fertilization strategies , nitrate content are all lower than the background value in wet area internal . Nitrate concentration accumulated at the wet front edge .

  24. 用土柱管栽试验方法研究了不同灌溉施肥深度对夏玉米生长发育、地上地下部分同化物分配、产量和水分利用效率的影响。

    In this paper , experimental results of the influence of various fertigation depth on growth , dry matter partition , yield and water use efficiency of cron are presented .

  25. 灌溉施肥装置是实现农业灌水施肥自动化不可缺少的设备,施肥装置的研制也一直是灌溉施肥领域的一个热点。

    The fertigation devices are necessary for realizing the fertigation automatization in agricultural field , and the research and development of fertigation devices is always a focus in the fertigation field .

  26. 随着灌水费用的提高和环境上要求更精确地控制灌水量和施肥量尤其是氮肥,在美国灌溉施肥越来越普遍。

    Fertigation has become increasingly popular across the United States as water costs rise and issues related to the environment dictate more precise control of both irrigation water and fertilizer , especially nitrogen .

  27. 灌溉施肥技术是一种在近代展现出来的新型技术,它是能将灌溉与施肥两者充分结合在一起并从根本上节约灌溉用水、最大程度提高肥料利用率的实用方式。

    The technology of irrigation and fertilization is a newly emerging technology that can fully combine water and fertilizer in order to save water fundamentally and to improve operating factor of fertilizer maximally .

  28. 精确灌溉施肥是一种将水肥供应通过灌溉结合起来的现代农业技术,它的主要优点是施肥均匀、准确,可以有效提高水和肥的利用效率。

    The precision fertigation which refers to the supply of water and fertilizer through the irrigation , its advantage lies in fertilizing uniformly and accurately and the use efficiency of water and fertilizer can be improved .

  29. 为提高施肥质量和效率,促进我国农业可持续发展,在北京市优秀人才项目(20061D020050042)的支持下,研究开发了一套自动灌溉施肥系统。

    In order to enhance the quality and efficiency of fertilization to promote the sustainable development of agriculture , a set of automatic fertigation system was researched and developed supported by the Beijing Excellent Talents Subsidized Project .

  30. 由这些产品衍生出许多对高产农业有用的塑料产品,如塑料薄膜、塑料覆盖料、滴灌塑料管道、输水管道、灌溉施肥设备、过滤器、配件和接头以及行覆盖物。

    From these products came the introduction of many plastic products useful to high-yield agriculture such as plastic films , mulches , drip-irrigation tubing , pipes , fertigation equipment , filters , fittings and connectors , and row covers .