
làn shānɡ
  • beginning;a pool where a river originates that can only float wine glasses;origin
  • originate
滥觞 [làn shāng]
  • [originate] 浮起酒杯。喻事情的开始

  • 夫江始出于岷山,其源可以滥觞。--《孔子家语.三恕》

  1. 春秋时代是中华文化的滥觞时期。

    The Spring and Autumn Period marks the Beginning of Chinese culture .

  2. 陶渊明符号化及其田园意象之滥觞

    Symbolization of Tao Yuanming and Beginning of Idyllic Image

  3. 汉语韵律句法研究的滥觞&从《马氏文通》看汉语韵律制约句法的现象汉语V成的句法语义研究及语法化考察

    Prosody-Syntax Study on Chinese & The Prosodic Constrained Syntax in Chinese From Ma s Grammar ; The Syntactic and Semantic Usage of ' V Cheng ' Pattern and Its Grammaticalization

  4. B.B.纳博科夫世界级文学大师,号称美国后现代小说的滥觞,然而文学界对纳氏的研究多集中在作家英语作品上,对其俄语作品,尤其作家早期的俄语作品研究的较少。

    Nabokov , a world-class figure of literature , was acclaimed as the originator of the American postmodern fiction . Yet , his works written in Russian , especially those written in the early years of his life were not very much researched as his works written in English .

  5. 它们可视为中国交响音乐创作的滥觞。

    They are regarded as the original Chinese symphonic music creations .

  6. 新时期电影滥觞于20世纪70年代末期。

    New film originated in the late 20th century , 70 .

  7. 《诗经》&中国古典现实主义之滥觞

    The Book of Songs : Source of the China Classical Realism

  8. 贵州本土文化历史悠久,源远流长,根据它的发展,可分为四个时期,即:滥觞期,这时期涵盖了整个的原始文化和奴隶制文化;形成期,这时期是封建文化;

    The indigenous culture of Guizhou has a long history .

  9. 日本古倭人稻作文化滥觞于中国古吴越

    The ancient Japanese ricefield farming culture stems form ancient Wu Yue of china

  10. 苏青文学思想:中国女性主义文学的滥觞

    Su Qing 's Literary Ideas : The Source of Feminist Literature in China

  11. 小剧场运动之滥觞&安托万及其自由剧团

    The Origin of the Little Theater Movement ; Antoine and His Theatre Libre

  12. 话本小说滥觞于说话艺人和市井文人之作。

    Storytelling novels originated from the works of folklore speakers and marketplace writers .

  13. 民国电影检查制度之滥觞

    The Origin of the Republic 's Film Inspection System

  14. 它与语言的发展同步,滥觞于较早的散文和诗歌中。

    It appeared in early Chinese prose and poems .

  15. 革命功利主义文学的滥觞论太平天国的文学批评个体人生体验的积淀抗战时期大后方太平天国历史剧发生论

    The Source of Revolution Utilitarianism Literature-Discussion on the Literary Criticism of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom

  16. 中国古代数学从滥觞之时就表现出明显的政治功利性。

    The ancient mathematics of China was from the outset of remarkable political utilitarianism .

  17. 中国现代家庭教育的滥觞&以戈鹏云为中心

    The Origin of Modern Home Education in China

  18. 周作人:人的文学与中国现代人口文化理论之滥觞

    Zhou Zuo Ren 's Views on Human Literature and Modern Theory of Population Culture

  19. 从萨穆尔·理查森到简·奥斯汀&自由间接文体的肇始和滥觞

    From Samuel Richardson to Jane Austen - The Inchoation and Perfection of Free Indirect Style

  20. 以省管县财政体制改革为滥觞,一场深刻的制度变革即将拉开帷幕。

    Following this fiscal system reform , a profound system reform will soon raise its curtain .

  21. 诉讼时效滥觞于罗马法,又称消灭时效,绵亘两千多年的历史,是一项沿革久远的民事法律制度。

    Limitation of prosecutions , with an alias of negative prescription , was firstly from Roman law .

  22. 中国发展经济学的滥觞&从林则徐、魏源到孙中山

    The Origination of Development Economics in China & From Lin Zexu , Wei Yuan to Sun Zhongshan

  23. 《西游补》:文人独创长篇通俗小说的滥觞

    Supplements to Pilgrimage to the West : The beginning of Chinese popular novels created by scholar individuals

  24. 由文凭证明的学历,由于社会追求的偏颇,成为应试教育的滥觞。

    Educational level demonstrated by certificates has become the origin of test-oriented education because of partiality for it .

  25. 唐代社会妇女保守的贞节观,成为后世妇女贞节观念的滥觞。

    Such concept of women 's chastity has become the example for women of the coming generations to follow .

  26. 中国玉文化的礼玉文化特色,当至周代滥觞。

    Chinese jade culture , " Li Yu-cultural " characteristics , as to the Origin of the Zhou Dynasty .

  27. 先秦典籍与小说滥觞先秦典籍中的水意象

    Pre-Qin-Dynasty Canonical Works and the Origin of the Chinese Novel On the water in the Classics Before Qin Dynasty

  28. 市场投机的滥觞、信贷标准的弱化终于导致危机的爆发。

    Beginning of market speculation , the weakening of credit standards that finally led to the outbreak of the crisis .

  29. 以六书为滥觞的汉字结构类型理论的流变

    The Development in the Theory of the Type of Chinese Characters Structure Originates from " Six Chinese Character Formutions "

  30. 技术发展的社会选择滥觞于生物进化的社会选择。

    The category of social selection of technological development ( SSTD ) originated from the social selection of biological evolution .