
  • 网络Ski Mountaineering;UIAA Ski Mountaineering
  1. 世界级的滑雪、登山、健行和白水泛舟便是其中几样。

    World-class skiing , mountain climbing , mountain hiking , and white-water rafting are among them .

  2. 滑雪和登山胜地的增加使瑞士人民非常喜爱这些运动。

    The growth of ski and mountaineering resorts in the Swiss mountains have caused the Swiss to become very sports conscious .

  3. 新西兰是世界上首屈一指的室外活动好去处,干净又环保。在这里你可以去山顶滑雪、登山,或者冲浪和钓鱼。

    New Zealand is one of the world 's premier outdoor playgrounds , clean and green , with top-notch skiing , hiking , surfing , and fishing .

  4. 公司专门为打猎、钓鱼、玩高尔夫、打网球、滑雪、射箭和登山设计了帽子、外套和裤子。

    The company designed hats , jackets and pants especially for hunting , fishing , golf , tennis , skiing , archery , and mountaineering .

  5. 然而后来的情况是,他疯狂地迷上了佛蒙特的山区,开始学习滑雪,并参加了大学里的滑雪队和登山队,现在,他有了更多的新伙伴,他愉快地生活在科罗拉多。

    As it turned out , he fell in love with the Vermont Mountains , took up skiing , skied on his college team and now lives happily in Colorado .