
shī dù jì
  • hygrometer;moisture meter;humidometer;succulometer
湿度计 [shī dù jì]
  • (1) [moisture meter]∶ 通常通过测量电阻率来确定材料(如木材,面粉,土壤或烟草等)湿度百分比的仪器

  • (2) [hygrograph]∶自动记录大气湿度变化的仪器

  • (3) [hygrometer]∶测量大气湿度的几种仪器中的任何一种

湿度计[shī dù jì]
  1. 基于CPLD的数字湿度计设计

    Design of Digital Hygrometer Based on CPLD

  2. 研制了一种测量钻井液活度的电子湿度计。

    An electronic hygrometer for measuring drilling fluid activity is developed .

  3. 露点湿度计可提供湿度的绝对量测值,因此它基本上是自动标定的

    Dewpoint hygrometers provide an absolute measurement of humidity and therefore are essentially self-calibrating .

  4. FY-3卫星微波湿度计天线与接收机单元的谐响应分析

    Harmonic Response Analysis on Antenna and Receiver Mechanism of Humidity Sounder of FY-3 Satellite

  5. 在投入HTR-10使用中,其湿度计和红外分析仪均能达到设计要求,实现了对反应堆一回路氦气中H2O、CO、CO2的连续监测。

    The moisture probe and infrared analyzing instrument both conform to the design requirement , and consecutive inspection of H2O 、 CO 、 CO2 can be carried out for the primary helium circuit .

  6. 本公司是一家专业生产电子温度。温湿度计及其它电子产品。能代客户OEM。承接模具制作。注塑。产品组装。产品开发。

    Our company speciality produce digital thermometer , hygrothermogroph , and other electron products ; era client OEM , carry on and make mould , Plastict moulding , mount products , exploiture products .

  7. 风云三号气象卫星是我国的第二代极轨气象卫星。它将首次携带红外分光计(IRAS)、微波温度计、微波湿度计三个大气垂直探测仪器。

    FY-3 meteorological satellite is the second generation of polar-orbit meteorological satellite in China , it will carry InfRared Atmospheric Sounder ( IRAS )? Microwave Atmospheric Sounder , Microwave Atmospheric Humidity Sounder for the first time .

  8. 微波湿度计地面检测仪(TISP)是FY-3卫星微波湿度计研制过程中的必要设备,对于检测微波湿度计的软硬件功能,保证微波湿度计的正常工作具有重要意义。

    MWHS Testing Instrument of Signal Processing ( TISP ) is the necessary instrument for the developing of the MWHS , testing the software and hardware of MWHS .

  9. 机载温、湿度计在飞机人工增雨中的应用

    Talking about rain application of airborne hygrothermograph in artificial precipitation enhancement

  10. 温湿度计相对湿度测量结果的不确定度评定

    Evaluation of Uncertainty about Relative Humidity Measure Result of Humiture Instrument

  11. 这一性质被用于人们所熟知的自记湿度计中。

    This property is used in the well known hygrograph .

  12. 《机械式温湿度计检定规程》修订说明

    Illustration on the Revision of " Verification Regulation of Mechanical Thermo-hygrometers "

  13. 以多孔材料作成的湿度计既不准确,响应又慢。

    Hygrometers based on porous materials are neither accurate nor quick response .

  14. 压电式土壤湿度计在农业自动化中的应用

    Applying of Piezoelectric Type Soil Hygrometer in Agriculture Automation

  15. 中子湿度计测定土壤水分的研究

    Research on Soil Moisture for Measure of Neutron Moisturemeter

  16. 一种新颖的热电阻式多功能空气湿度计

    Novel multi-function humidity gauge for air based on thermistor

  17. 红外湿度计测定在线纸张的水分

    On-line measurement of paper moisture using infrared moisture meter

  18. 湿度计用于光谱仪器室的湿度自动控制

    Automatic Control of Humidity for the Spectral Instrument Room

  19. 基于CAN总线的温湿度计的研制

    Design of Thermometer and Hydrometer Based on CAN Bus

  20. 六西格玛黑带项目&提高数字湿度计的精确性

    A Six Sigma Black Belt Project & Increase accuracy of digital humidity meter

  21. 机械式温湿度计湿度检定结果不确定度的评定

    Uncertainty evaluation on humidity measuring result of mechanical thermohygrograph

  22. 旋转式干湿球湿度计液态树脂旋转式粘度试验方法

    Testing methods for viscosity with a rotational viscometer of resins in the liquid form

  23. 自动气象站与人工温湿度计观测温湿度的对比研究

    Comparative Study of Temperature and Humidity Observation with Automatic Weather Station and Manual Operation

  24. 成分(偏差)变送器湿度计:量度大气湿度的仪器。

    Hygrometer : An instrument for the measurement of the humidity of the atmosphere .

  25. 风云三号卫星微波湿度计数据处理与系统控制的冗余设计方案

    The Redundancy Scheme of Data Processing and System Managing in FY-3 Satellite Microwave Humidity Sounder

  26. 这就是我最简单的湿度计了。

    This is my simple moist meter .

  27. 核子密度计、湿度计的标定

    The calibration of nuclear density moisture gauge

  28. 自记温湿度计是用得最广泛的一种记录仪器,因为它用起来很方便。

    Thermohygraphs are one of the most widely used recording instruments since they are convenient .

  29. 一种新型的数字式陶瓷湿度计

    A New Digital Ceramic Humidity Meter

  30. 家用智能温湿度计设计

    A Design of Home Intelligent Hygrothermoscope