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  • 网络travelling to the fronters
  1. 大多数情况下,我们边潜游边向下看,这样就会经常错过了许多有趣的景致。

    Too many times , as we dive , we keep looking down & and too often , several interesting sights are missed .

  2. 在游泳部分,范·比克将女儿放在一个皮划艇中,边游边拖着皮划艇前进。在骑自行车时,比克的女儿被放在一个二轮手推车里,接在自行车后。

    For the swimming portion , van Beek tugs his daughter through the water in a kayak and then pulls her behind him in a cart as he cycles .

  3. 青蛙A边游边想,看来今天是没希望了,还游什么呢?这样想着,四肢越来越划不动了。

    The A side of the frog swims a side to think and seeing to today hoped and also swim what ? Think like this , the arms and legs more and more coulds not row .

  4. 第一步,或许你的教练已经告诉你好多次了,在每一段训练中你都要游到边。

    The first step , maybe your coach has said a million times , is to finish every interval to the wall .

  5. 保罗笨拙地游到池子边。

    Paul swam in his ungainly way to the side of the pool .

  6. 那个落水的人拼命想游到河岸边。

    The man in the river desperately tried to reach the side .

  7. 夜间,两条海豚游到小船边来,他听见它们翻腾和喷水的声音。

    During the night two porpoises came around the boat and he could hear them rolling and blowing .

  8. 李:我爸爸说的。可是,大海是宽广的,游不到边的,你永远不用担心有一天游着游着会撞上岸边。

    LI : My father . However , the ocean is so vast that you can never worry about knocking the boundary .

  9. 人们应该养成不要游得离海滩边太远的习惯。

    People should make it a rule never to swim too far out from the beach .

  10. 我当然也练习如何游得更快,但我花很多时间在轻松游上,这样我可以边游边思考。

    I practise going fast for sure , but I spend a lot of time swimming softly , so that I can think about what I am doing .