
  • 网络warm winter
  1. 我们很高兴看到基金会能给龙花带来温暖的冬天!真诚的感谢捐助的朋友们!

    Thanks very much for donation and bringing a warm winter to Long Hua !

  2. 这样它们就可以过一个温暖的冬天了,我满心欢喜,一蹦一跳地跑下山去。

    So that they can have a warm winter , and I full of joy , ran down the mountain to .

  3. 他们去年过了一个温暖的冬天。

    Eg : They had a mild winter last year .

  4. 气象学家认为多种因素综合引起了如此温暖的冬天。

    Meteorologists say the warm spell is due to a combination of factors .

  5. 加拿大经历了国家历史上最温暖的冬天和春天。

    Canada experienced its warmest winter and spring .

  6. 这种作物的丰收归功于异常温暖的冬天和虚构的意面象鼻虫的消失。

    The success of the crop was attributed both to an unusually mild winter and to the virtual disappearance of the spaghetti weevil .

  7. 死亡率会上升吗?报告说,目前尚不清楚,因为不知道温暖的冬天是否会影响死亡率。

    Will death rates rise ? The report says that 's not clear , because it 's not known if warmer winters will affect death rates .

  8. 在各个方面,干旱(外加较为温暖的冬天和极为寒冷的春天)改变了许多加州名产的产量、质量、预期生产情况和价格。

    In fields everywhere , the drought ( along with a particularly mild winter and unusually cold spring ) has changed the quantity , quality , predictability and price of the state 's best produce .

  9. 这些现象还发出一个气候变化的强烈信号,而这正是全球变暖带来的结果:北部许多地区将经历更温暖的冬天和更炎热的夏天,而目前气候温暖舒适的地区将变成沙漠。

    They also send a strong signal of the changes in weather we can expect from global warming : many northern areas will experience milder winters and hotter summers , while regions that now enjoy pleasantly warm temperatures will turn to desert .

  10. 这些纯棉手工制品会让您的小宝宝度过一个个温暖舒适的冬天。

    These cotton handmade products will make your baby enjoy a warm and comfortable winter months .

  11. 这是非常凉爽的夏季和温暖,舒适的冬天。

    It is very cool in summer and warm and cozy in the winter .

  12. 气象预报员既没给东南地区的民众提供多少慰藉,也没能预测到比往常更温暖更干燥的冬天。

    The weather forecasters aren 't offering much solace , either , predicting a warmer and drier winter than normal for the south-east .

  13. 俄罗斯人目前正在经历最近几十年里最温暖的一个冬天,该国一家动物园1月24日说,较之往年同期明显偏高的气温使得园内不少动物在今年纷纷提前开始交配。

    MOSCOW ( Reuters ) - Animals at a Russian zoo have started mating early this year because of steamy temperatures in the warmest Russian winter for a generation , zoo officials said on Wednesday .