
jiàn jìn zhǔ yì
  • gradualism
  1. 我曾经在过于坚持渐进主义上面犯过错误,我把他叫做阶段性错误。

    I would err on the side of gradualism and do it in stages .

  2. 但其渐进主义政策可能受到事件的影响。

    But its policy of gradualism risks being overtaken by events .

  3. 但这种多管齐下的渐进主义政策可能具有严重的破坏性。

    But the consequences of this multi-pronged incrementalism could be devastating .

  4. 渐进主义方式无法让我们摆脱这场危机。

    The way to get out of this crisis is not incrementalism .

  5. 然而,他们不情不愿的渐进主义做法正在加大上述风险。

    Instead , their grudging incrementalism is deepening the risks .

  6. 理性主义和渐进主义都是决策理论中的主要的根源性模式。

    Both rationalism and incrementalism are major root models in policy making theory .

  7. 采取渐进主义的方式是正确的。

    It is right to take a gradualist approach .

  8. 中国是一个偏爱渐进主义的国家。

    China is a country that favours gradualism .

  9. 基于渐进主义的中国家电企业跨国经营分析

    Analysis on the Transnational Management of China 's Electrical Appliances Enterprises based on the Evolutionism

  10. 如今,继续过去两年那种不情不愿的渐进主义做法,可能会招致灾难。

    A continuation of the grudging incrementalism of the past two years now risks catastrophe .

  11. 由于转移费用的存在,因而建议在取消现有贸易壁垒时采用渐进主义。

    The existence of displacement costs also counsels gradualism in the removal of existing trade barriers .

  12. 在这方面,具有讽刺意味的最后一点是,迄今为止,渐进主义让保诚在亚洲受益匪浅。

    A final irony here is that incrementalism has served the Pru well so far in Asia .

  13. 我们谈的是彻底从石油中解脱,而我们也不能通过渐进主义做到这一点。

    We 're talking about breaking free from oil , and you cannot get there through incrementalism .

  14. 事实上,整个大学仍然陷于老一套的渐进主义之中。

    The fact is that the university sector as a whole is stuck in a rut of incrementalism .

  15. 但讽刺的是,小心谨慎的渐进主义可能会让世界更进一步地滑向通货紧缩的漩涡。

    But cautious incrementalism , ironically , risks letting the world slip ever further down the deflationary spiral .

  16. 现在绝非侈谈冷静下来或服用渐进主义的镇静剂的时刻。

    This is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or to take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism .

  17. 那么这种制度渐进主义是以何种方式演进呢?笔者分析了中国选择制度转轨的背景,成因及其转轨历程。

    The author have analysis of background of the transition of the Chinese system , the transition process and its causes .

  18. 决策理论中的理性主义与渐进主义及其适用性企业IT外包决策主要动因的理论综述研究

    Rationalism and Incrementalism in Policy-Making Theory : Features and Applicability ; Literature study about major drivers among Firms ' IT outsourcing decision-making

  19. 与俄斯的“大爆炸式”转型相比,中国的渐进主义改革更安全、更稳健。

    Compared to " the big-bang model " of russia 's transition , the Gradualism model of china 's reform is safer and steadier .

  20. 面对这样的现实,应本着渐进主义的政策制定模式,有步骤地完善非公立高等教育机构的法人制度。

    Facing this reality , we should adopt incrementalism policy making mode . Juridical person for non-governmental higher education institutions should be reformed bit by bit .

  21. 转轨经济学界长期存在着关于转轨过程中强制性变迁和诱致性变迁以及渐进主义变迁和激进主义变迁之间成本收益比较的争论。

    There existed an argument about the cost and income compare between the induced institutional changes and coercive institutional changes , gradual and radical institution changes .

  22. 这就是支持渐进主义的一个理由,只要有可能将通胀从系统中挤走就行。但这已远不是我们目前的问题。

    This is an argument for gradualism when squeezing inflation out of the system when that is possible , which is far removed from our present problems .

  23. 可以考虑一种渐进主义的改革步骤和路数,分成三个阶段达到搜查制度建构的目标。

    For this reason , the reform of the criminal search rules has to be conducted in a mild way and the process would better be divided into three phases .

  24. 本文最后提出,在上述改革过程中,应当确保宏观经济政策和相关结构改革的配套,使汇率制度的转换与中国资本项目的放开同步进行,坚持渐进主义。

    Finally , this paper proposes that during aforementioned reform , it is necessary to make the economic structure reform match the macroeconomics policies , and keep changing mechanism and opening Chinese capital account at the same and gradual pace .

  25. 中国资本项目的开放是渐进的,这种渐进主义的成功在亚洲危机中得到了有力证明。

    China 's capital account liberalization was carried out with the approach of gradualism ;