
  • 网络clear heat and moisten dryness
  1. 他们称,参赛选手应该多喝水,吃一些清热润燥利咽的食物。

    Runners should drink more water and eat foods that would cause them to spit more , they said .

  2. 目的:观察帕罗西汀对功能性低热的疗效。养阴清热润燥透汗法治疗夏季功能性低热1例

    Objective : To evaluate the efficacy of paroxetine on functional low fever . Treatment of summer fever by nourishing yin to clear away heat and moistening dryness to induce sweat : a report of one case

  3. 秋天应多吃一些养阴清热、润燥止渴、清心安神的食物,如芝麻、蜂蜜、银耳、乳制品、蔬菜、水果等。

    It 's better to take more food which can remove heat , ease thirst and soothe the nerves , such as sesame , honey , white fungus , dairy product , vegetable , fruit , etc.