
lāo miàn
  • noodles boiled and strained
  • get (or take) the noodles (out of the boiling water) with chopsticks or a strainer
  1. 芥兰牛肉,龙舟活鱼,最后吃菜捞面。

    beef with broccoli , shrimp with lobster sauce and vegetable lo mein .

  2. 假如我既不想吃面包,也不想吃燕麦片,我会吃蚝油捞面。

    If I feel like taking neither bread nor oats , I have noodles with oyster sauce .

  3. 不过,这里的虾子捞面倒是有点腥味,不比祥记面家的好吃。

    However , the shrimp noodle here got some fishy smell , not as nice as the one from Cheong Kei .

  4. 小辣椒川菜馆并非完全未受美式中餐的影响,不过猪肉捞面并非它的招牌菜。

    Little Pepper is not entirely free of American Chinese food , but its pork lo mein is not one of its chief attractions .

  5. 一份油炸面条含有200焦耳的卡路里和14克的脂肪,一份捞面会比这更危害身体健康。

    A serving of crispy noodles can set you back as much as200 calories and14 grams of fat , and Lo Mein is even worse .

  6. 通过在大盘宫保鸡丁和捞面上桌之前仔细研究餐厅的餐垫,一代代美国人知道了中国的十二生肖。

    Generations of Americans were introduced to the Chinese zodiac by way of restaurant place mats , perused while waiting for platters of kung pao chicken and lo mein .

  7. 产品粗宽整齐、耐煮筋道、入口爽滑,尤其适合家庭自制的中式冷面、朝鲜冷面、捞面、炒面等。

    The product is wide , tidy , pliable and smooth , it is especially fit for making Chinese-style cold noodles , boiled and strained noodles , chow mein , etc.

  8. 对于许多美国犹太人来说,圣诞夜让人充满了想象,并不是想象小糖果,而是撒上梅子浆的烤鸭亦或满满一盘的牛肉捞面,一盘左宗棠鸡,以及或许还有一些热酸汤。

    For many Jewish Americans , the night before Christmasconjures up visions , not of sugar plums , but plum sauce slathered over roastduck or an overstocked plate of beef lo mein , a platter of General Tso 's , and ( maybe ) some hot and sour soup .