
  • 网络Off season sales;Low Season Sales
  1. 以网络为突破口打破淡季销售瓶颈&露露网络营销策略解析

    Treat Network as a Breakthrough , Break Selling Bottleneck in Slack Seasons

  2. 此外,在业务过程中也有淡旺季之分的鞋,根据黎母介绍,一般每年的五月至八月,是相对的淡季销售。

    In addition , in the shoes of the business process also has low and peak seasons , according to Li Mu introduction , the general annual May to August is the relative off-season sales .

  3. 当播种时期在12月份以后时,产量相对较高,但成熟期延迟,5月份才能收获,错过了3、4月份马铃薯市场供应淡季,销售价格降低,经济效益反而下降。

    The output is higher when the sowing date is after Dec. But its mature period delays to May , which is after March and April , the potato off-season . So the sale price falls down and results a lower economic benefit . 4 .