
  • 网络shower-cycling
  1. 再切一片用柠檬汁淋浇。

    Sprinkle a second slice with the juice of half a lemon .

  2. 淋浇工艺对低盐固态酿造酱油风味的影响

    The effect of spraying-extraction fermentation on soy sauce flavor

  3. 探讨酱油生产的淋浇工艺

    Discuss on the leaching process in soy sauce production

  4. 应用酶技术消除液态食醋淋浇发酵生产中菌膜的研究

    Application of enzyme technology to eliminate pellicle during the fermentation process by vinegar leaching

  5. 低盐固态原池淋浇发酵酱油技术的探讨

    Discussion on soy sauce brewing technology by low-salt and solid-state fermentation in the pond with spraying-extraction

  6. 文中阐述了可以利用现有生产设备提高低盐固态发酵酱油质量和风味,建议采用先固后稀添加酵母、乳酸菌淋浇后熟发酵原池浸出法;

    This paper discusses how to improve quality and flavor of low salt-solid fermented soy sauce with current equipment and conditions .

  7. 对原池淋浇发酵酱油生产工艺中的关键控制点做了详细的论述。

    Critical Control Point ( CCP ) in soy sauce brewing technology in the pond with spraying-extraction was discussed in detail .

  8. 苗期施用0.05%营养液在二叶期进行一次淋浇,可显著减轻元素积累,有利于培育壮苗。

    Filter irrigation with nourishment succus ( 0.05 % ) on two-leaf stage can decrease the accumulation and do favor of breeding healthy seedlings .