
  • 网络chilo venosatus walker
  1. 各处理都可减少螟害节率,对甘蔗条螟的防治效果显著,其中以(90%敌百虫晶体30g+18%杀虫双水剂40g)/133m2效果最好,校正防效达83.3%,降低螟害节率33%。

    Especially insecticide 30 g of 90 % Trichlorphon crystal plus 40 g of 18 % Dimehypo solution is the best one . Its correcting effect is 83 . 3 % and the reduction rate of internode is 33 % .

  2. 甘蔗条螟性信息素&三组份的结构鉴定

    Sex Pheromone of the Sugarcane Striped Borer & identification of Three Components

  3. 甘蔗条螟雌蛾性引诱外激素的触角电位分析及田间诱蛾效果

    EAG analysis and field attractant effect of sex pheromone of the Striped sugarcane borer